Chapter 33: Companions

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After hours of climbing to the top of the elephant, Kikunojo and her companions finally arrived on the back of the animal, walking towards an unknown destination. They had come to join (Y/N) and Yamato who were celebrating with the Minks, but they were suddenly surprised by a huge quantity of water falling from the sky.

The water hit the island and entered the city, where everything was destroyed and the party was interrupted and unable to continue because of the incident. Saved by Wanda, (Y/N) and Yamato were on the roof of a building watching as the water level seemed to disappear, he phenomenon never lasted long.

Wanda: Twice a day, Zunesha releases water to clean his back, but it's a chance to catch a lot of fish to feed our people.

(Y/N): This elephant is strange, I thought I was going to die.

Yamato: I'd forgotten that Oden wrote that in his book, I should've remembered.

Carrot: I don't understand why you can't swim even though you're pirates.

(Y/N): I can't swim because I've eaten a devil fruit, so if I fall into the sea I'm dead, but Yamato is no good, she's never learnt to swim even though she has this chance.

Yamato: What?! I... She was interrupted by familiar voices, she looked up to see the group of Kikunojo landing near them to everyone's surprise. Suddenly, the Minks surrounded the group that had just arrived with their weapons, but they were stopped by (Y/N) happy to see Kiku back.

Kikunojo: How are you (Y/N), Yamato?

(Y/N): I see you've managed to reach Zou.

Sabo: It wasn't easy, but we managed.

Law: It looks like you've managed to establish links with the Mink Tribe.

(Y/N): We had a misunderstanding earlier, but everything's fine now. Wanda, I told you about my companions who were coming later. These are them, so you can trust them.

Wanda: Very well, you can lower your weapons, they're our guests too. Once the water had disappeared, (Y/N) and his companions joined Dogstorm in his home to talk to him. Dogstorm was shocked to see Kikunojo and couldn't help crying at the reunion with his old friend.

Kikunojo explained that she hadn't travelled back in time with the other Akazaya Nine, but she had been able to meet (Y/N) afterwards. She then explained (Y/N)'s life to everyone, the Minks as well as Sabo with his group and Law discovered who Wild Wind really was, from the death of his mother to his fight against Kaido to free Yamato.

Dogstorm told them that they were ready to fight with (Y/N) for Wano's future and to avenge Oden to the delight of the Wild Wind Pirates, who had confirmation of a new ally in their fight against Kaido. Unfortunately, their conversation came to a sudden end with Dogstorm falling asleep as he had completed his day's work. During the day, he ruled over Zou, while at night it was the domain of Cat Viper that (Y/N) and his friends wanted to meet.

Guided by Wanda towards the Whale Forest where Cat Viper lived, they were surprised by a net catching (Y/N) who couldn't free himself from the net made of sea granite. A group of Minks appeared smiling with the bounty of (Y/N) wanted for a large sum of money. They introduced themselves as Mink thieves who wanted to capture (Y/N) and his friends for their bounty. (Y/N)'s companions were about to react and go to rescue the protagonist, but they were surprised by a lion that jumped from the trees and landed on the ground, unsheathing his sword.

???: This man is a guest of the Minks, you're not going to capture him.

(Y/N): Who is he?

Minks Thieves: He's... He's the captain of the Guardians of the Whale Forest...

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