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"Omg! Babe!" She jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist.

"I missed you." He whispered, digging his face into her neck.

"Aww... Me too." She looked at him and pecked his cheek.

"Let's go sit on the sofa." He walked towards the sofa and placed the two of them down on it.

"So...?" She started.

"So what?"

She punched him lightly in the arm and smiled at him. "I hate you."

"No. You actually love me." He said, puckering his lips.

"No! You have cooties! Ew!" She screamed, jumping out of the sofa and ran towards her backyard.

"Come here!" He jumped up and started running after her.

The two of them started to chase each other around the backyard, the boy almost catching her when she hid behind a tree. When she looked around and didn't see him, she steadily ran towards the glass doors that lead to the lounge room in front of the pool.

"Aaaah!" She screamed as his strong, muscular arms grasped her. While she was trying to run away again, she managed to kick his crotch so he fell down, bringing her along with him.

What they didn't know was the pool was beside them. So a big splash was created when they fell. Camille rose up from the water, gasping for air. Swimming towards the edge of the pool, she grumbled.

"This is my favorite shirt!" She exclaimed, pointing to her wet clothes.

"It looks ugly." He said.

"What? It is not?"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"


"Really? That's the best you can come up with?"


"Pea brain!"

"Oh no, you didn't!" She shouted and splashed him with water.

"Okay, okay!" He raised his muscled arms up. "I surrender!"

"When did your muscles get so big?" She touched his muscles.

"You like?" He wiggled his eyesbrows, flexing in front of her.

"Let's go clean up." She said, getting out of the pool.

They both walked towards the glass doors, Jessa and Kring giving them each a towel. The two said their thanks and walked upstairs, each going different ways to different bathrooms.

Camille was so happy. He was here and she couldn't ask for more. She was singing to Don't Look Down while she was showering. She didn't even realized she was singing it. Jogger pants, a black tank top, and flip flops. As usual, she wore these things when she's lazy.

"Babe! You done?" She screamed at the door of the other bathroom.

"Almost. It'd be better if you join me though!" He yelled back.

"Ass!" She yelled, laughing.

While he was in the shower, she decided that he might be hungry so she cooked some food for him and, of course, her. A big bowl of French fries and about 13 pieces of smores later, she finally placed them on the table in the movie room.

"That's a lot, don't you think?" He asked, sitting down on the soft velvet chairs and shoving a chip on his mouth.

"Nope. That way we won't have to get up. We can just be comfortable for this day." She explained, sitting down beside him. "Don't you have any interviews here though?"

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