First Intruders.

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~ AN ~ 

 Warning foul language will be used ahead to express my feelings as well as in the story in the future. I just thought I should remind you of that so I don't feel like a horrible peron when cursing.

Okay I know I haven't posted in fucking forever and I apologize because I have been really busy. I know. All the rage can be brought to me in the comments but just listen for a damn momet okay? Okay.

So, I was role playing with my friend and I thought I should also do and Attack on Titan fanfiction. I am debating between a Levi x reader or and Eren x reader so y'all tell me what you want! If you don't respond I shall take to Google+ to see what those fangirls want. To le chapter!

~ AN end ~

 I was woken up early, again. But this time by Mey-Rin. "What is it?" I groaned.

 "You must get ready, Y/N! The young master wants to see us!" Mey-Rin said.

 "He's already awake and I'm not?!" I yelled, bolting out of bed. "I will be there in a couple minutes!" 

 I ushered Mey-Rin out of the room and began getting dressed. Uniform and such. After about five minutes, and still looking like rats slept in my hair, I gave up and ran out of my room toward the young master's study with Mey-Rin. 

 When we arrived, I knocked and there was a faint "Come in". Mey-Rin and I stepped in. We saw the others were already here. Finni gave a great big smile and waved. I gave a little wave and stood next to them.

 "Now that you are all here," Ciel glared at me, "I can finally begin explaining why you are here. After completing the recent case the Queen sent me another one and it requires us taking a trip. See it as a vacation if you want to, but you will need to not, and I repeat not, mess up anything. Understand?"

 "Yessir!" We all said. 

 "We leave tomorrow. For today, get everything cleaned up so there won't be much of a mess when we return. Now go." He said, and we were dissmised.

 "A trip? That sounds like so much fun!" Finni exclaimed. 

 "It does. So we must make sure we do our absolute best!" Baldroy said.

 "Don't get to carried away guys. We just need to get everything done with minimal mistakes. Alright?" I said.

 They all nodded and we went our separate ways. Finni to the garden, Baldroy to the kitchen, Mey-Rin to the dining hall, and I went to the library. Not only to dust in there, but to possibly find a good book to bring with me. Who knew what kind of literature was in here.

 I walked in, only to find Sebastian was already in here starting everything. I groaned and turned to walk out when a I felt a hand on my shoulder.

 "Why do you seem so upset, Y/N?" He asked.

 "It's no big deal. Don't worry about it." I replied. "Now let go. I'm going to clean up the parlor."

His Futuristic Kitten Sebastian x readerWhere stories live. Discover now