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‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍Cheruella was back to the way it had been before. Jenillian started a new life with her long lost and now found son, Guane and the other creatures.

Jenillian was pained by the past before and hid herself from the creatures. She will only appear when summoned, but then this time, it is different.

Things have changed for the better and she was completely contented and happy.
The spirit of the creator was ofcourse, still around the place and Jenillian doesn't feel alone anymore. All her sadness from the past and before, were now vanished. Sadness is no longer there and is joyful.

Guane was still a keeper in Cheruella, since he is the most respected creature to protect the place. All the creatures made him a ruler in their world, which was approved by the spirit of the creator.

The spirit of the creator was still the most respected and honored one, since he's the one who created and wrote Cheruella to life. He gave breath to the creatures and he is deemed to the creatures, as their god.

Creatures summon him whenever they need help or in a trouble. All of them were glad the creator was known to them and did not abandon them ever since.

Annias was contented with everything that had turned out. Back before, she was annoyed that a young human came to meddle with their business. However, it turns out it is not what he expected. Sereniah was of huge help and he was even grateful she was meddlesome.

And, Sereniah, who was back at home, in human world, reunited as well with her friends and family. She was worried they have been looking for her for a long time and that she was gone for months or years.

But then, they said it has just been 3 days that she not gone home. She then thought to herself that the time in Cherulla and her world must be different and that time moves slower in the magical world. They were truly worried for her and asked her about it.
She then told them she stayed at another friend for a while, since she was dismayed her work got rejected.

They expressed their sympathy towards her and told her to not give up that easily. Her dream might come true soon and at the right time.

After a few months, a new publishing company had opened just near their house and she was excited. She began to think of what story she will write and have published because she wanted to try again.

Maybe, back in those days her work got rejected was probably not her time yet. But now, she was sure it is now. Her family and friends even supported her and told her to go for her dreams.

As she began to think of what to write, she remembered what she had written back in Cheruella. It was about Guane's heroic adventure and his life. She thought of Jenillian, Sir Annias and all her adventures and memories back there. It was such an incredible and magical experience.

And then, an idea popped on her mind. She suddenly had a story in her mind and quickly wrote it down. She stayed up all night and until dawn to finish it. When she was finished and read it, she was satisfied.

The next day, she went to the new publishing company that was just a few blocks away from their house and asked for her work to be published as a book. And fortunately for her, her work was accepted and she was told to wait for a week for her book to be published. She was overjoyed. She shared the news to her family and friends and they were all happy for her.

She began to think to share her good news with her friends back in Cheruella, but then, she doesn't want to disrupt the peacefulness that the place finally had. Guane had told her before to visit and she does want.

She finally decided to go and opens the door where it leads to the portal and entered Cheruella, admiring the place and the beautiful landscape. However, after seeing Guane and other creatures, she stopped and hid behind a tree.

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