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‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍There is that old library that was just normal looking on the outside and even tho it is old, people who pass by came in and pick their book of choice and read it. The library was renovated and it looked new.

The librarian of the place was a woman on her 50s who knew about the secret passageway and never told anyone about it. Until one afternoon.

A young aspiring author was having a bad day after her stories were rejected by a publishing company, came by the library and decided to stay there and get her mind off of those things for a while.
She grew curious about the library as she never seen it before. The librarian and her talked for a while and she was told the place is old.

After learning the young girl's name, her dreams and about having her works rejected, the librarian comforted her by saying she's still very young and that there's still a lot of publishing companies out there. The librarian took notice of the young girl's liking of books and stories and then asked her if she wants to know a secret. Because of being curious, the young girl nods her head.

The woman with the young girl trailing behind her, went inside a room loaded with books. Some parts were dusty due to it being old but not the stairs that lead up to the highest parts where some of the books are. The stairs were new and looked shiny and has it's swirly patterns. They went up the stairs and when they reached the top of it, the young girl watched in excitement as the librarian moved the shelf and it revealed a door.

She opened the door and they then walk inside as the door closed on it's own. They walk through a dimly lit alleyway and then the old woman pulled something near a lamp and the young girl began to shriek when the alleyway turned into a slide. The librarian seemed to be used to it as she was not screaming.

They landed to a place where, thankfully has a soft cushion on it and not a hard thing. The slide returned back to it's original state and they were greeted with darkness.

"Where are we? Is this the secret you're telling me about?"

"Not yet." The librarian clicked something near her and then the lights were suddenly on. They were on a room where the floor was not a brick or anything. It's a floor of cushion. And a large old mirror was infront of them and it looked strange because there was something twinkling in it.

The young girl went to examine it but then the librarian grabbed her hand and went inside the mirror. She was shocked at her actions but then when she saw where they headed, the room with a floor of cushion was gone. She was amazed. They are in a different world.

They are standing in a meadow-like place where there's grass and..doors everywhere. Doors up in the sky, in the fields, on the trees or even in the oceans with different shapes and patterns.

The girl gasped in amazement. "What is this place?"

"This is the secret that i am telling you about. Welcome to Cheruella—a world where you can create stories and characters and make them alive. You can enter inside a door as a character or a visitor. In each door, different stories lies ahead by different authors. If an author writes another story, a new door will appear in it's unique shape and pattern but it will be made based upon what the story is like." The librarian explained while showing her around. The girl nodded her head and listened carefully, glancing every way. "Have any questions?"

"Um, is this really..real? Or am i dreaming?" The young girl asked, not sure if what she's seeing and hearing are true.

The librarian laughed shortly. "Thought you'd say that. You're not the only one who came here before. I also showed this place to people who i knew wanted to make their own stories. They were also like you, an aspiring author but they, too, got their stories rejected back in that world. This world is real and what you're seeing is real. But not everyone can come here, you know."

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