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‍‍‍‍Sereniah was shocked when she had heard all of what they had announced to the creatures and especially what the voice had said to everyone. The voice is the spirit of the creator of Cheruella. Even the creatures and Mrs. Farra were shocked at the revelation.

"The creator? H-how is this possible?" A slovuran with pointed ears said. Everyone was surprised and couldn't believe what is happening before their eyes. From Jenillian claiming Sereniah to be her long lost daughter, to Guane telling the creatures that he is the long lost child of the creator, to the mirror showing all the memories of the past and finally to the voice who spoke and told all of them that he is the spirit of the creator of Cheruella.

"I have always been here, watching and guiding every creature that i had created. And all the events that has happened before, now and to the future has already been written and it will all takes place." The voice spoke once again.

"But..we thought you aren't real. You never showed up to any of us. Sometimes we had thought that the creator that Miss Jenillian had told us about before is just made up and not real." Another Slovuran with horns said to the voice, looking up in the air.

"I am real. It is up to you whether you will believe or not. I have passed away long time ago as you had watched in the Mirror of Memories."

As the commotion is still going on and people are asking questions to the voice, Sereniah stood there, not sure on what to say or feel at the moment. But one thing that stucked on her mind was that Mrs. Farra is evil and has fooled a lot of people.

With the kindness she had shown to all and motherly care towards the authors before her, could be an act.

She turns and walks over to the librarian. "Mrs. Farra, would you then get all the authors out from the stories that they were trapped in?"

Mrs. Farra averted her gaze from the scene before them, and turned her attention to the young girl. "All those authors that were trapped, was inside their story due to their own choice. It is not me who is able to get them out."

"Don't lie anymore, Mrs. Farra. You can't fool me like how you used to before. You should get them out."

Mrs. Farra laughs. "I could care less whether they are able to get out or not.  Now that i had found out that my child is dead and you aren't anything related to the creator, i should also just get you trapped before. You are just so hardheaded and you haven't even made your own story yet."

Mrs. Farra took the opportunity to drag Sereniah out of the scene and crowds without the others noticing and towards a secret place in gailstone.

"Now, why don't you start to make your own story? that is what you wanted even just before right? So you could just get out of this place. If i had known before that you don't even had a relation with the creator, then i probably just didn't take you here in Cheruella."


Guane is Jenillian's long lost son. The child that she had been looking for how many years. She had thought that it was Sereniah that she was looking for, but then it was Guane all along. She immediately embraced him the moment that it was shown in Mirror of Memories everything that happened.

How Farra also a two faced human who is just pretending to care for authors. Sereniah was just a victim of Farra's tricks and they should've known before. Jenillian couldn't be more happy than this. The creator of Cheruella whom she loved is still around the place and is watching over them even before. And she had already found her long lost child.

Guane is half human and half Slovuran because the creator is human and Jenillian herself is a slovuran. Guane is somewhat a hybrid.

The creatures rejoiced at the thought that the creator of cheruella is truly real and has not abandoned them even once. Some thought before that the creator did not even exist, and others thought he was powerless and left Cheruella long time ago. But all those thoughts were vanished when they already have known the truth.

When they were all done asking all their questions, the spirit spoke that anyone can call on him and summon him anytime since he is just everywhere and with that, the voice was gone.

Guane then told them and Jenillian that it is time to do what he needs to do. He then looked around the crowd to look for someone. "Where's the young girl?"

Jenillian glanced around the place as well and Sereniah was nowhere to be seen as well as Mrs. Farra. "Farra is gone as well."

"I have to find them. Sereniah might be in danger. Stay here, i'll take care of everything." He then left to find Sereniah and Mrs. Farra. But before he did, he asked Annias to be with Jenillian to make sure she does not get harmed to which Annias obeyed.

He searched all over the place in Gailstone and asked the creatures if they have seen a young human and the librarian. But all of them did not see them pass by.

He then remembered the meadow where Sereniah is usually staying. When he got there, she was not in sight.

Where could she be?

Meanwhile, Mrs. Farrah had brought Sereniah to the secret place which is some kind of a library in Gailstone.

Mrs. Farrah pulled out an empty book that has no title and nothing else. She told Sereniah to write her story already and so everything will be finished. Sereniah got angry and told her she has nothing in her mind yet and that she will write whenever she wants.

"I should have known you are useless and a thorn all along." Mrs. Farrah recited a spell that would make Sereniah do anything she wants. A dark violet fog appeared on her hand and she placed it towards Sereniah, who tried to slap her hand away. It was futile.

She tried to fight it, but it is too strong. Soon enough, it overcame her as it circled around her and so she gave up resisting.

And then, her eyes changed color. It turned from hazel brown to dark purple. A sign that the she is now under a spell.

Then Sereniah picked up a small feather pen and began writing her own story, moving in a robotic way.

She had surprisingly wrote 5 chapters of a story, and about a girl and and a boy's love story but tragic in the end. In her mind, she was pleading for help and does not even know what she was writing.

Mrs. Farrah seeing that and decided that 5 chapters are enough, she clapped her hands and then told Sereniah to stop. She took the book from her and closed it. She then smiled in content and then asked Sereniah to come with her and they went to the meadow.

The young aspiring author was still under a spell and is just following Mrs. Farrah's orders.

They soon stopped near where there were doors are everywhere and placed the book on the grass. She then chanted the spell that will create a a new door in the meadow that will make a world for the story Sereniah wrote.

A bright light shone on them. And then a new door was created it was just far above the grasses. It was a heart shaped door that is white colored.

Mrs. Farrah clasped her hands together as the door opened wide. "Now, Sereniah, go and enter the story you have created." She smiled at her.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you will be enjoying your stay in your own world. Remember that you can choose whether you want to be, the main character, a side character or just a visitor. You can rule your own world. It's yours. It was your dream, right? You didn't get to achieve your dream on becoming a writer back in our world, but now this is your chance. This is going to be.. exciting, dear Sereniah. You'll be staying there, forever." Mrs. Farra wiped non-existent tears on her eyes, pretending to be sad for not seeing her ever again.

Sereniah, who was not herself and is under a spell, walked slowly and towards to the door. Since the door is far above them, transparent stairs immediately appeared
in front of her.

And as she slowly step on the stairs, a familiar voice shouted at them.

"Young lady! Mrs. Farra, you better stop what you're doing."

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