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‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍"Sereniah." A soothing voice called out.

The young aspiring author tried to look for the owner of the voice but failed. She strutted deeper in the forest away from everyone and still couldn't find the person.

"Sereniah. Come and follow me." The voice called out again.

Sereniah was confused. The voice sounded so comforting and somewhat sounded like a lullaby but at the same time, it was keeping her awake and alert.

"Who are you? And where are you?" She yelled as she also looks up and around. No one is around. Not even a strange creature.

"I'll lead you to the place i want you to go."

She looked around again and tried another time to see where the person speaking is. But none. The forest she was in was already far away from the meadow and it seemed like no one is even living around this part.

Suddenly, a gust of strong wind came upon her and it surprised her a lot. It is like a creature who is strong enough to carry her. But still, it is just a wind. How come it seemed like it was carrying her? Sereniah couldn't stop screaming and kept her eyes shut.

Soon enough, the wind went away from her and it felt like she was already in a place somewhere else.

"Open your eyes." The voice commanded.

Sereniah slowly opened her eyes and was shocked at what she saw. She is standing on a mountain. And when she looked down, she can't believe she was up high. The forest below looked large and small. It was incredible but terrifying at the same time.

"Where am i?" She breathed out her words. The view up high was breathtaking. Everything can be seen there. Even the village of Gailstone looked small up there.

"You are in Quinland. The very place where Norphynes lived ever since."

"The Norphynes are giants right? Won't they ever be angry of me being in here? I met a giant once and he did not look friendly."
She said, getting used to speaking with the voice even though not seeing it's face or the owner of it. But then, Cheruella is a world full of strange creatures and wonder, so what would she expect?

"They won't even stand in your way. Now that i am with you here. Some of them are busy and some are sleeping."

"Who are you even? Why can't i find you anywhere? Are you invisible?"

"I am a spirit. That's why you can't see me. But i am a part of Cheruella and i was always here even before."

"What does that mean? Also, are there other spirits here in Cheruella as well? And also, why did you take me up here? I appreciate it because this place is nice. But i don't get it."

"Inside the cave to your right, there is a mirror in there. You can see any past events you want to see with just one touch of it."

"There is a mirror that can see what happened in the past? Wait. Then i will know all the answers to my questions."

"Indeed. It's the Mirror Of Memories to be exact. It's exactly why i took you up here. You were desperate on finding for answers. I sensed it and decided to help you. Go on there and see for yourself what really happened in the past and you will get all the answers that you needed."

"Thank you! This will all be of help." Soon she entered into the cave and found the mirror. It was glistening and it looked like it was a crystal mirror with all the swirly designs on each sides. It was an otherworldly mirror.

She then began to think of all the things she needed to see and all the answers to the questions she had been waiting for, before. She slowly touched the mirror and didn't even feel it's hard texture but it felt for her that she just touched water.

Secrets of CheruellaWhere stories live. Discover now