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‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍"I'm worried that she went to see the creatures. Do you know anything, Guane?"

Ms. Farra, the librarian went to check up on Sereniah to see if she's already out of bed. And to her surprise, she's nowhere in sight.

Where could she be? They've already searched the forest that Sereniah used to go to and she's not there. And to all the places just near the meadow that Ms. Farra took her. She's not in any of those places.

"No, Ms. Farra." Guane answered. He's kept it a secret that Sereniah and him went to Gailstone. But now, he had no idea where Sereniah went to. However, he then remembered what Sereniah had requested of him the other day.

And that is to go back to Slovuran and see Annias. He suddenly became concerned about the thought of her going there alone. What if something bad happens?

He doesn't want to tell Ms. Farra since she will be able to find out that they went there yesterday and he was the one in charge. But then is it all worth keeping a secret when Sereniah might be in danger?

"Ms. Farra, i have something to tell you. I wanted to keep this a secret but...this could endanger the young lady." He turned his body fully to the librarian and told her the truth about him and Sereniah going to Gailstone. This shocked Ms. Farra.

"Why did you take her there? Who knows what could've happened? You, yourself, know that it's very dangerous for a human to visit and see those creatures!" Ms. Farra shouted at him but her voice was filled with worry.

Guane remained calm despite of being concerned also.
"She insisted that i go with her and so i did. There was a lot of commotion that happened and.. Ms. Jennilian made a revelation that the creator of Cheruella is..dead."

Ms. Farra widen her eyes in shock and couldn't believe what she had heard. "What? Jennilian was there? Did she ever hurt Sereniah?"

Guane shook his head. "No, but we could have been hurt because a giant came when we were about to leave."

Before Ms. Farra could even react, a familiar young girl was seen by Guane from a distance and told the librarian about it, pointing to it. They then both realized it is Sereniah, when she gots a little closer.

‍Sereniah had no idea that they were there as she was lost in her thoughts and glanced at the trees at the place. The gust of wind blows in her direction and it felt good. Just then, when she diverted her eyes towards where Guane and Ms. Farra is, she stopped in her tracks and stared at them in surprise.

"Oh, Ms. Farra, Sir Guane."

Ms. Farra ran over to her in a frantic state and held both her hands. "Where have you been? We have been looking all over for you. I'm worried that you were in danger!"

"I was only-" Sereniah wants to make an excuse but she was cut off.

"Guane told me about what happened yesterday when i left you. He said you and him went to Gailstone and saw the Slovurans! Who knows what could they have done to you!" That was the first time that she saw Ms. Farra so worried about her. Just like a when a mother worries when her daughter is lost. Her heart was warmed by it. And she was also surprised.

But then, what was that? Guane told her about yesterday when they went to Gailstone? Guane was the one who was actually worried that Ms. Farra would know. And she was too but she planned to keep it a secret. However, Guane didn't.

Sereniah averted her gaze slowly towards the Slovuran standing next to Ms. Farra and asked him if it's true that he told Ms. Farra about it. He nods his head and explained himself that they were both worried for her and that she's a human who just visited there and those creatures could have done something terrible to her.

Secrets of CheruellaWhere stories live. Discover now