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‍‍‍‍‍‍Sereniah wanted to get everything out of her mind and wanted relief from all the stress she had been feeling from all the things that happened. Because for her, it had been too much, especially after that incident with Miss Jenillian and Mrs. Farra. She had no idea whether to believe the things they said or not. She knew in herself that she is not a child of any of the two or even the creator. But when she thought about it, it feels like it made sense.

She suddenly thought of visiting a story and so she would be rid off from everthing. If she write a story, she does not feel like it and have no idea still on what to write yet.

She went away and went near the ocean and choosed a door carefully. She chooses to enter into the seashell shaped door and entered as a visitor. But then she was given a tail to be able to swim to see the story being played out.

The story she had entered in was about a siren that had made friends with a human being and instead of the siren going into the world of the human and have pair of legs, the human being was the one given air to breathe underwater and given a tail. But their friendship was tested when the siren learned that the human being had different beliefs from her as the human was a muslim and refuses to worhsip the god of the sirens.

However in order for the human being to get back the legs, he/she needed to reconcile with the siren she was friends with and needs to worship the god of their sea. Sereniah watched the scenes play out and swim out of there when she spotted someone who was just like her watching
from afar. Could it be a visitor as well?

"Are you visiting this story just like i am or are you part of this?" Sereniah can't help but ask.

The person turned to her and was a bit surprised. "Are you as well? I am not only a visitor here but the author of this story." This made Sereniah widen her eyes and pointed her fingers at her. But she was glad to find another author like her in the story. Maybe she could get answers from the person and maybe she knows something about Mrs. Farra.

"If that's the case, have you met Mrs. Farra? The librarian?"

"Oh her. Absolutely. I never thought she could be a bad guy. She had me trapped in here saying it would make me happy to experience my own story and be able to watch it just like a movie. I thought she truly wanted to help me and my friend and now we are both trapped in the story and cannot get out unless someone had snatched us from here."

Sereniah could not believe her own ears. Was she mishearing everything that the girl had said because they are underwater? Or is she just not believing that Mrs. Farra could truly could be a bad guy.

"She..had trapped you and your friend here? Where is your friend now then?"

"Why? Don't you believe me? And my friend who came here with me is that one over there playing the role of the muslim girl."

Sereniah does not know whom to believe. Was Annias telling her the truth about the librarian? Maybe that was the reason on why the librarian was always reminding her to write a story already. And maybe it was because she wanted to trap Sereniah in a story as well. But why would Mrs. Farra do that? If the friend of the author here is the one part of the story, then her friend would not be able to get out until the story will be finished.

"Will i be able to help to get you out of here?"

"You can rescue me but i would not leave here unless my friend is coming wth me. I have to wait for her. Will you be able to wait? If you go now, you will not be able to continue the story becayse when you come back to save us, the story will go back at the beginning. You have to start over if you leave. But then, it is your choice. Will you be able to help us to get out of here?"

Sereniah was silent. Is it really like this? If what the author had said is true, then she should have to stay in order to finish the story and save them.
"Is the story almost over now?"

"Almost over? Are you kidding me? When you entered here in this story, you had to start from the beginning. So, no. And also, one thing that i had  regretted about this was that me and my friend had made this story quite long. And you have to wait for like weeks in order to finish it."

"In that case, i..can't help. I am sorry. But i promise you i will find a way to get you of of here."

"Goodluck on finding a way with that witch being around. Though, i thank you for trying to help us. Be careful outside here as well and do not trust that librarian. She is always up to no good. You never know, you might be next that will be trapped."

Sereniah entered another story and it was just near a tree in the meadow. The door of the story was a flower shaped door and the story was about fairies. She met the author there as well and asked him about Mrs. Farra and how he got to Cheruella. The author of the story chose to be an extra of his story to experience being in a story he made. He thought he could get out but he realized he was trapped in his story because he already had the story repeated for many times and he grew tired of it, however, he had no choice but to repeat the story once again when the story ends. It is like an ongoing cycle and he is tired of doing the same thing all over again. But he was glad that he chose to be an extra rather than main or side characters because he would have to stay until the story ends and would not be able to talk to Sereniah.

Since he was an extra in the story he made, he can get out of the storyline and be able to do what a visitor would and just watch until the story finishes. And he can as well walk around and get to live in the world of the characters he made.

When Sereniah heard everything he ad said, she remembered what the other author had said about their stories as well. They were similar and especially about being trapped in the story they made. And the same librarian was mentioned as well. She began to think and doubt Mrs. Farra. Was Mrs. Farra really capable on doing that? How come she was so kind to her and if she really was the one who trapped those authors, then Sereniah would have been trapped by now. But then she did not make a story yet.

The young aspiring author still wasn't satistied with the answers and information that she got from those authors. She decided to enter and visit more doors that has stories that were made by authors who came before her. She was also curious on whether all and every authors who had made their stories had been trapped. Are all those doors that exists and can be seen now in Cheruella, had held all the authors captive?

Secrets of CheruellaWhere stories live. Discover now