Chapter 54- Home Bound

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"When will she be healed?" He asks and Daniel looks at Phillip. "She should be up and moving by the end of the week." He says and he sighs. "The Arc leaders are going mad about you two." He says and Liam sits down by my hips. "Meaning?" He asks.

"They see you're still together. " he chuckles. I look at Liam. He shakes his head. "They have nothing to hold against me." He says and he nods. "And it drives them nuts." He says and Liam  looks down at my leg and grabs my hand. "What's their point in wanting me to protect her if they just want to lock me up? Are they just trying to test me or something?" He asks and Phillip shrugs. "The one who ordered your assignment doesn't wish to find fault with you. The lower leaders had no say over his choice." He says and Liam furrows his eye brows. "Jamesworth arranged this?" He asks and Phillip nods. "He's always liked our family. That's why I had to get rid of Jacob before someone as high as him found out." He says and Liam looks down. "That still doesn't make it right." He says weakly and Phillip nods. "I know and I regret it. But I can't change the rules." He says and I give his hand a squeeze.

"He'd be the one to talk to then?" He asks and he nods. "Yes."


The next morning Kurt stopped by to tell me when the match was and Liam attempted to let me try to walk. I could limp, but still then it jostled my ribs. "I can just carry you." He says confused and I shake my head. "The others will see us though." I say and he shrugs. "At this point I don't care. You're leaving anyway. " he shrugs and I pull on a smile. I could smile without that much pain. "What?" He asks and I hold my arms out. He shakes his head and chuckles before sliding his arms underneath my back and knees. "You're lighter than I remember." He comments and I nod. "Cause Daniel's been starving me." I say and he smiles. "I think he's giving you a little too much morphine." He says and i grin. "I don't think so." I say and he chuckles. I wanted to curl against his chest and sleep. "That's good stuff, huh?" He smirks and I nod getting a sweet honey filled laugh out of him. The warm vibrations off his chest beat the thin cold white sheets in that bed.

I recognized the hallways we went down as the lights dimmed down and the walls grew black. Memories.... sweet memories...

He turns his back towards the door to push it open as we enter the arena. He sets me on the counter closest to the matches and I watched. Chase and Harry were fighting now. Harry ended up winning and as they came down the steps from the ring, they saw me. Harry wiped the blood from his lip and smiled at me. Chase only stared blankly. She didn't look angry or upset. "Mika and Luke." Gabriel calls and Luke winks at me from where he was standing. When Mika turned around he made eye contact with me and his face paled. I waved teasingly at him and heard Liam give a little laugh from next to me. Luke had pure revenge in his eyes and it was a weird thing from him. The bell rang and they circled. Luke was ready. He was crouched low plotting his kill. Get him Luke. Get him good.

He spoke to Mika but I couldn't hear what he was saying. It caused a confused look from him and then Luke dove in at his stomach, bringing him to the ground. "And to believe he liked you in the beginning." Liam says sarcastically and I look at him. He looked so relaxed leaning his back on the counter next to me. His arms crossed his face bored. He looks at me with a told you so smirk and I frown. "Lukes going in for the kill." I say after his fifth hit on his jaw. Mika rolls him off and returns to his feet slightly swaying. I meant it when I said I wish no harm on them, but this fight wasn't real... or was it?

"Come and get me Mika. I'm not afraid of you. You're all bluff." He says holding his arms out. Mika makes a dash for him and Luke drops down on his hands and plants both feet in his stomach, propelling him backwards.

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