Chapter 65- Departed

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(Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift)

I felt better by noon but I was starving. I made no comment about it though. We were just reaching the boarder of Idaho and I was stuck in the back seat with Luke. The car ride was silent now, and it remained quiet until we reached the Canadian border and Luke helped me out of the car. Liam answered his phone and his facial expression grew tense as he looked up at me. "Yes. We will." he spoke and hung up. "What's wrong?" I ask and he glances towards the woods and reaches up to spread his hands across my jaw line. "Max, Gabriel and Jamesworth hit a bit of a problem, and Kurt and Luke have to take you now." he says and I shake my head. "No." I say and grow more frustrated. "No. I can't-" 

"Max, they'll keep you safe okay? They're looking for you and they can't know where you are." he says firmly and runs his thumb across my cheek. I push past his hands and squeeze my arms around his neck. "You can't get hurt, Liam. I need you. You have to make it." I say trying to force out all the words I had. I wasn't expecting this to be so abrupt. He squeezes me tight and buries his nose in my neck. "I know. If something happens, you run. You hear? You know how to fight. Use everything you know. It's not going to be easy." he says and lets go. Kurt and Luke were waiting on me quietly. "Go." he says and I shake my head. "I love you." he says and pushes me towards Kurt. He offers his hand I look back at Liam for as long as I could. He watched for a moment and then sped off in his car, kicking up dust behind him. I clung on to Kurt's arm tight and stared down at the ground as we walked deeper into the woods. Luke was ahead of us cause I was struggling up the rugged hills. Luke had a back pack that carried our limited supply. 

"Where's Rafael and Harry?" I ask after what seemed like an hour of walking. "They'll meet us at the next check point tomorrow morning." he says quietly and I return to looking at the ground again. A couple hours later, the hill we were first climbing was now on a steep downgrade, and I started to feel nauseous again. It started to rain and my feet  slipped out from underneath me and I caught myself on a tree but my legs hung off the edge of a peak. I stared down at the drop off and caught my breath. I heard Kurt's and Luke's footsteps up behind me to help me. "You okay?" Luke asks and I slowly nod and let them pull me to my feet. 

"Here." Kurt sighs and bends down to pick me up bridal style. I shivered at his warmth and realized how cold I was. My clothes were soaked and the rain dripped off of his wavy hair and onto my cheek. I pressed my cheek into his chest until I felt him shift and realized his arms were tired.  "I can walk now." I say and he stops and Luke appears. "We move quicker this way." Kurt says and I give him a look, almost ready to say something but I don't. Luke was a little warmer than Kurt but I still shivered. It was just starting to get dark, and the rain stopped but I shivered until my jaw hurt from clenching. Around midnight, they finally stopped to put me down by a tree. Luke got in his bag and pulled out a coat for a blanket. He covered me up and felt my forehead. "She's still warm." he says quietly to Kurt and he sits down next to me. The way he lazily sat down said he was exhausted. More so than Luke.  He grabbed one of my hands and started rubbing my fingers to get the circulation back but his hands were cold too. 

He moved closer to me and pulled both of my hands under his shirt and sighed. "If we start a fire, they'll notice us." he says weakly. Luke shrugs. "The wood is too wet anyways." he mutters. "I'll go find water." he announces and stands up. Kurt doesn't answer but I could feel how short his breathing was. I tried not to think of where my hands were resting. He's nearly as defined as Liam now. I had to close my eyes and try to breathe. I can't hear his thoughts anymore ever since I changed so I can't keep in touch with him. I'm too paranoid. "Liam just reached the base with the others. He's giving orders right now." Kurt says, breaking the silent trees. I open my eyes and look at the tree leaves above. It was just a big black overcast now. "You can hear him?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah." he says and leans his head back on the tree with his eyes closed. I look around for Luke and sigh as I look at how relaxed he is and move the coat over the both of us as. His eyes opened to see what I did and then he pulls me a little closer to him so my head was on his chest. 

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