Chapter 47- Showers

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"Max!" I hear a male call and turn around. Rafael. "You're alive!" he says and jogs up to me with open arms. I put on a smile and accept his hug. He picks me up and squeezes until my back hurt. "Hi Rafael." I say and look at his blue eyes once he puts me down. He got taller than I remember. "Wait a minute." he says furrowing his eyebrows and leaning down. I didn't know what he was doing until he sniffs. Okay? "Who the hell have you been with?" he asks and my face goes blank. "What?" I ask and he laughs. "Your scent." he says. "It's pretty strong."

The blood rushes down to my toes when I remember Phillip picking on Liam for his scent. I never noticed. I don't get what they're smelling. "I don't smell anything." I admit and he smirks and crosses his arms. "Who is it?" he asks and I shrug. "I don't know what your talking about. I just went home since I completed all my sims." I admit. It was the truth.

"And what males are you around at home?" he asks with a twisted smirk. "None." I caught up on my college classes that I've missed and that's it. I didn't really talk to anyone." I lie. He laughs. "Whatever. Everyone will smell you." he says and I cross my arms. "If you don't like my scent, then you don't have to be near me." I say and he laughs. "No, it's not a bad scent. For a guy at leased." he smirks and I blush. "So it's like.... a horomonal thing?" I ask and he nods. "It's an... 'unleash the demon' thing. Keep that in mind." he winks and I go to speak but end up laughing. "You're serious right? What is this? Like an animal thing?" I ask and he shrugs. "Well, we're only part human, technically."


I began to blush when I walked out of the bathroom and saw the empty room with only Liam on my bunk. "A shower won't get rid of the scent." he chuckles and I frown before joining him on the mattress. For a twin mattress, we made it work. I groan before stretching my legs out next to his. I still felt like a little kid next to him. "It got me away from the others, didn't it?" I recall and he shrugs. "They'll put the two and two together when they smell me too." he tries to reassure. "Great, so the guys will be all over me and the girls will be all over you. Fantastic." I huff.

"Jealousy is a sin, you know?" he says and I give him a look. "Well, I don't trust the other girls. Except, Chase maybe." I say and he raises an eyebrow. "Oh so, you have a problem with two stuck up girls but it's okay for over 10 guys to be all over you?" he asks annoyed. "You don't trust me?" I ask and he shrugs. "I don't trust, I don't know, Rafael, or hmm... oh, yeah! That Kurt boy. Once he gets near you, he'll eat you up." he says with every ounce of sarcasm clear in his voice. I was growing annoyed. "Rafael was the one that warned me about this, I would never feel anything more than friendship with him. And I haven't even seen Kurt yet." I say and he frowns with a sigh.

"Yet..." he remarks. I sit up. "What the heck is up with you? You're the reason why I started hanging out with Kurt in the first place. You were being a jerk to me and he was kind. And again, the first day we're back in here and you're Mr. Wonderful again." I say and leave along pause for his excuse but he gives me none. "Gosh, grow up. You're the one I've already been stuck with. Would I even have a choice if I did like Kurt?" I get off the bed and start to head for the door to go join Rafael for dinner. "No, cause you know you would tear yourself up everytime I save you from trouble. You would realize how much better I could love you than him. You would run to me when you have a problem cause you know I would do anything to help you." he says and I stop and look at him over my shoulder. He was walking towards me. "You couldn't live without me." he says positively.

"One can never be too sure." I say simply. "But can I? I know you wouldn't last without me." he says confidently. I shake my head and push him back a step. "I'm gonna go eat dinner." I mutter and turn to the door. Fuming, I walk down the hallway with my arms folded. As I turn the corner I faceplant into something hard; Gabriel. He clears his throat as he look down at me. "Wintres." he mutters and we both step to the side. I keep heading down the hallway to the cafeteria.

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