Chapter 21- His Given Name

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During lunch he returns to sitting with me but continues to not say much. At least he lets me touch him now. I understand what it's like to loose the one you love, it sucks. You think everything in your world can't go wrong and then it just does one day. I understand his is a little more major though, waiting nearly 3 centuries to have a brother and you only see him for the 15 years he's alive. I get it, so I try to be a little more leanient to him.

When the bell rings, he gets up and walks away, leaving me yet again. Well my attempts are starting to become of short supply. I'm trying, but I guess I can't tell the royal ass hole what to do. The next afternoon I walk straight passed him at his car. He was waiting on me, but I'm not going to his place. He wants to play stubborn idiocy game, I can even beat a Prince at it so he can have fun.

I tried.

"Max. We need to talk." he says as I continue walking. I come to a stop to escalate my outburst. "What? So you can talk about how you want to die some more? Sorry." I say and continue my path.

Surprisingly he lets me go. So I thought. He comes back later in the evening and nearly gives Kacey a heart attack when she walks out of the bathroom and sees him.

"Liam..." I groan. But he doesn't say anything as he bends down by me and tries to pick me up. I stubbornly punch his chest and squeal. "Max, quit being rediculous." he says harshly. The anger in his voice was prominent through his accent that surprising caught me off guard. I pushed his chest hard enough he dropped me on the bed and Kacey gasped and grabbed his arm. "Liam, what are you doing to her?" She panics. I see how it can look like he's mistreating from her angle but it was my fault. He swats her away. "I'm not hurting her. Calm down." He rolls his eyes. "What are you doing with her?" She asks as he pulls me to my feet and I cooperate this time and walk over to the window. "Taking her back to my place." He grumbles and she looks at me concerned. "Its okay, Kacey. He wouldnt hurt me." I assure and he urges me out the window.

I drop down, jarring my ankles. He just jumps right out no problem and lands softly on his feet. "Could you try to act human during the day?" I mutter as he guides me into a direction. He just takes the insult and keeps his mouth shut. His hands were calmly in his pockets and it irratated me much. It made me realise how much of an effect he had on me but again... he hasn't even acknowledged me with a simple smile in God knows how long.

He opens the drivers door and sits down, slamming it shut behind him. I now very irratated, do the same and cross my arms. "This better be good." I mutter and he retracts his hand from the ignition and sits back in his seat.

"Max, i-" he begins and then sighs. "I know you're ticked at me." he says in a lower tone. I don't respond so he turns the key and starts the ignition. His mother was in the kitchen burried in papers across the table as we walk in.

"Ill meet you in a minute, go on." he says motioning towards the stairs. So I do and realize how tense my back was when I lay on his bed filled with his scent. It calmed me a lot actually. I sit up when I hear the door click open. He presses the door shut softly and I noticed something silver in his hand. He sits down next to me and I look down at what was in his hands, a necklace.

"My mother said this would help you when you're in trouble. It was hers, and I figured it would lighten things up between us." he nearly mumbles as his arms latch the chain around my neck.

I look at the pendant that was covered in some stone of something I don't recognize that had a tiny cross in it. "What is this?" I ask.

"Its a stone from the heavens." he says.

"Its really pretty." I say and let the pendant rest on my chest. It wasn't that I wasn't happy for it, I just wasn't sure right now. "And um... I know I'm difficult right now but, I don't want you mad." he says as if he had to work to say the words.

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