Chapter 2- Meeting someone

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"Wake up girly!!!" I hear a squeaky female voice chirp. I felt like my lower half was paralized until I opened my eyes and saw why. There was an already dressed Kacey sitting on my legs. I groan. "It's too early at the moment." I say and she laughs. "It's 10." she says and I pop up, now alert. "10? I'm always up by 8." I say dryly and she laughs. I still wasn't considered awake but it was true, I'm up at 8 out of habit. "Now that is too early." she says and I yawn.

"I've always been that way." I say under my breath and step out of bed when she gets off me.

"Early girl are we?" she asks and I nod.

I shower and get ready for my still fresh college life. I'm not sure if I like it or not. "Alright class! Let's get started. We're gonna get right down to business." says Mr. Oxford as he walks in the door, closing it behind him and stepping in front of the board.

We ended up taking a bunch of notes and my hand couldn't keep up with what he was saying half the time. My hand cramped the last half of class.

The bell rings and I fall back in my seat, slouching and dropping my pencil as I let out a sigh. I can tell how this is going to be...

A strong scent fills my nose as the person sitting next to me stands up. I happened to look at him after I stand up. I reached down to grab my bag and glanced again to get another look when I swung it over my shoulder. His glance lingered on me until he turned and left. His hair was black and the front part hung barely over his forehead. His hair only matched his dark eyes that seemed to look right through me. Physically his eyes were a hazel color, but spiritually, something tense came from him. The presence that came from him from the small eye contact he gave me scared me a little. I watched as he walked away. His shirt barely contained the muscle underneath. Even his walk was cold, but easily to stare at.

I realize what I'm doing and shake my head out of my unpredictable thoughts. You'll never see him anyway, Max. 

I claim my spot under the tree again during lunch and listen to One Republic with one head phone in. My last class on my schedule was a little easier than the first. This time notes were on a projector that we could copy.


I stare at my phone that currently had my home phone number. They haven't called me. I don't recall even talking to them since I left and it's been nearly 2 weeks into the semester.

"Hey Max. There's a party tonight. You coming?" Kacey offers as she fixes her hair and puts her glasses on the night stand.

I put my phone down and look to the side and argue with myself. I need a new chance but I'm not much of a party person... but I guess I can't meet anyone if I stay in this dorm all the time. But she's the only one I know here. I somehow think shell ditch me. No, I know she'll ditch me.

"Um... what am I gonna wear?" I ask, giving myself an inch.

"You can borrow some of my clothes." she says. After her shredding her closet I finally look like I'm going to a party. I wasn't confortable showing this much leg but she insisted. I told her shed go out the window if she made me wear a dress. As we get to the party I grab her arm in fear. "Kacey! I don't know anyone!" I whisper.

"C'mon. Get your flirt on!" she nudges me. "I don't flirt. Heck, I haven't ever dated anyone!" I admit nervously  and she gasps. "Really?!" she asks and I nod. I always get the same reaction. Really? How come? Why not? It gets more annoying every time.

She stops and looks around. "Hm... Lets find you someone..." she mutters to herself.

I don't know what she was looking for because everyone was dancing with someone else... rather dirty. It was disgusting and disgraceful to watch.  

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