Chapter 59- Dances

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We ended up watching a movie on the couch which seemed a little off... we never did anything like this. Cause he did everything to avoid his parents, meaning the living room as well. But this was his house only and it felt awesome. But I will miss that house though. I curl up against his side in a ball. The movie doesn't fulfil my empty thoughts. I stare at the scars on my hands and look at the comparison between the ring and my skin. I think the movie I decided on was Breaking Dawn part 2. I wasn't a fan of movie series. Maybe Divergent or Maze Runner... because in a way I can relate to the characters, but TV just doesn't take my interest.

I jump when Liam laughs and look up at the movie again. We were on the scene where Bella finds out Jacob imprinted on her baby. "This movie gets worse as it continues." He says and I frown and snatch the remote from him. "I've been too busy getting chased by demons and winged immature boys to even think about movies, you pick the dang movie." I say and he laughs. "I'm not immature." He says and I frown. "No... you're too mature. I was talking about the teenagers I was stuck with in training." I say and he rolls his eyes. "Now who's choice was it to even go in the first place?" He asks and I sigh. "Don't remind me." I mutter and he smirks. "Exactly." He says and takes the remote back.

He ends up picking a scary movie that made me want to throw up. "This is not a Godly movie."  I say and he huffs. "And vampires having sex is?" He asks and I end up laughing. "What's so funny?" He asks and I poke his side. He flinched and gave me a weary look. I never thought he was ticklish...

"You're so serious." I sneer and poke him again. He grabs my hand so I wouldn't poke him again. "Your ticklish?" I ask and he shakes his head no. I poke him with my free hand and he moves away from me. "Max, I'm warning you." He says fighting a smile. I lean forward and grab the bottle of Vodka sitting on the end table. I pour a glass and giggle. "You need to lighten up." I say and hand it to him. He frowns and takes the bottle instead. "Have you even had vodka before?" He asks and tips the bottle up, taking a big gulp.

I shake my head no and he grows a big smirk and strolls over to the fridge. "You need to live." He says and pulls out a red bottle. I recall him getting drunk more than enough times in my dreams of his past life. He never drank at home except for parties.
"I don't like alcohol." I say and he frowns. "Human alcohol doesn't quite give you that rush." He says and pours me a cup. I look at the red liquid and raise my eyebrow at him for an explanation. "Its what us Fallen drink at parties or ceremonies. Arcs are too stuck up for it." He says and I swirl the liquid in the cup. "Gifted?" I ask and he shrugs. "You're the last of your kind, go for it." He winks and I hide my smile by bringing my lips to the rim of the cup. The liquid sizzled on my tongue and I shook the feeling off. He laughs at my reaction. "Strong?" He asks and I nod. He drinks from the bottle and stays perfectly relaxed. I attempt to take another sip and he laughs at me. "Oh come on. You were what rank in training?" He asks and I frown. "Shut up." I say and he takes a step forward and parts my lips. I stop him with my hand and giggle. "I don't think so." I say and he smirks as I run off with my cup, attempting to take another drink. It burned my throat but once the burn went away, it tasted pretty sweet. My head was starting to spin on the fifth gulp. I giggled as I saw two Liams come towards me. My vision cleared once he got closer. He looked way too amused. "You look hot tonight." I say and giggle again afterwards. He tries to pull the cup out of my hand. "That didn't take long." He smirks and I yank my cup back, taking another sip. "You shouldn't get drunk before the wedding." He chuckles and I frown. "Why?"

"Because you'll have a hangover. We can drink tomorrow night." He winks and I set the cup down and yank him by his shirt. He would've fallen if his knee didn't catch the couch. He tasted like alcohol and it was more intoxicating than drinking it straight from the bottle. "Don't do anything stupid." He mumbles against my lips and I force them back to his. I find the belt loops to his jeans and tug down but he caught my hand, smiling against my cheek. "Not quite yet." He says and I frown. "But I want to." I pout and he laughs against my neck which only sent more shivers down my spine. His laugh was precious, sober or not. "Cause you're drunk." He calls me out and I grab my glass again and sip it twice. "Enough, dork." He takes the glass and drinks it himself right in front of me. His devious eyes looked over the rim of the cup. "Dork?" I repeat and he winks at me before walking to the kitchen. "You're the dork." I mutter and hear him laugh from the kitchen.

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