Chapter 57-Brakes

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I cried quietly in my cell until they came and got me the next morning. I didn't want to be tested anymore. I didn't want to be anyone's experiment. I was ready for the heavens to take me any day.  But the original people weren't the ones to take me out of my cell. It was him alone. "Oh hell." he curses and lifts me up. He pulls me out of the cell and takes me into a different room with a few other older men. He lets go of me and steps aside. "She's rather small for a chosen child." one laughs sardonically and I stare at the floor. "She ranked first in the simulations." the nameless guy speaks. One sighs and looks at the others. "Step in the box, and we will proceed with tests." he sighs and I fold my arms as I step up the steps to the glass box. A table was in it with a bowl of water on it. "Manipulate the water." One speaks into a microphone and I stare at them with a frown. I stare at the bowl and raise an eyebrow as a thought crosses my mind. 

I pick the bowl up and throw it at the glass. "I'm tired of stupid tests. If you want to kill me, please do so now." I say flatly and I see the one man with the bright green eyes, smile. I just want Liam. 


I learned the guy's name was Cain. He invited me up to his chamber everyday to eat and shower. The process has been going on about a week. I was loosing hope. One day he grabbed my hand and turned it over. "Why are your hands scared up?" he asks and I yank my arm away and glare at him. "Cause you people have been torturing me ever since I came to Amhurst college." I snap and he smirks and grabs my chin roughly. He bent down to get closer. "If you listen to me, you live. You rebel and you die." he says and I glare at him. "I've been asking for death ever since I came here." I spat and he laughs in my face. "Aww, does someone miss their little prince?" he says in a sarcastically mushy tone. "It makes me sick. You blessed people gross me out. If I were Liam, I would've taken advantage you a very long time ago." he smirks. I try to loosen his grip on my chin by turning my face but he doesn't budge. 

"I'm not blessed at all. What are you talking about?" I try not to sob and try to stand up but he yanks me back over to him as I stumble to my feet. "You are blessed. You're just Gifted, you're kind are too humble to see it." he growls and I blink back tears. "Let me go." I whisper and he forces my mouth to his. He invades my mouth with his pierced tongue. I tried to push him back but he uses his weight against me and pushes me up against a wall. I wanted his lips off me. He was rough but controlled. Tears were rolling down my face by now. He tasted like faint alcohol. My hands loosened on his shirt as I gave up my attempt to push him away. When he pulls away I gasp and turn my head away. "Please don't hurt me." I plead and he steps away. I want Liam...

"Stop crying. I know you're in love with that bastard of an Arrow child." he mutters and I slide down the wall, wiping my tears. 

I had jumped when my door slid open in the middle of the night. I had feared it was Cain but I didn't recognize the figure. I shied away when he reached out to touch me. "Sh... Were gonna get you out of here, alright?" he whispers.It wasn't Liam's voice. "Come here. We have to move fast." he opens his arms and I obey and move towards him. He lifts me up and rushes out the door. Alarms started going off and he started running. I closed my eyes and prayed for him to run faster. 

He took several exits and I heard gun fire after us. He darts into a room and locks it before setting me down before standing on a chair to open a hatch on the ceiling. Another man was crouched above it. "Take her! We don't have much time." he whispers and he lifts me up like a child. I reach up for the arms that reached down for me. Banging was getting harder on the door. "Are you alright?" someone whispers after they pull me out of the room. Hands touch my cheek and I open my eyes. Liam... My eyes widened in relief and flung my arms around his neck. "Liam, I thought you were hurt. Oh my God." I breathe and he hugs me tight. "We had to find out which prison you were in. I was fine." he whispers and I bury my tears in his shirt. "Okay love birds, you can have fun later, but now we really have to get." the man says and I look up at him to see who it was. Jamesworth. 

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