Chapter 5- Dodging Bullets

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Liam's Point Of View••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

I hate this assignment. Why am I stuck with some tiny girl that has the same reaction that every other girl does about me. In a weird way, she is attractive. I find myself staring at her without reason more than I should. It makes no sense to me. I never asked to be here. I was forced here.  I see her standing by Kacey and Rick and felt actually aggravated, more with myself than her. She doesn't even know what's going on yet. I eye Rick near by and flex my jaw. Should it bother me that I started liking him less since he first spoke to the girl? I know what Rick thinks of her and frankly, I didn't want her near him. I don't understand why I feel that way. I don't like her, I don't want to be near her. But yet I'm forced to. 

I wait for lunch to come around before walking up to her in the same spot as normal. She's always alone and it annoys me.

"Hey Liam." she smiles up at me. Her smile was subtle and barely touched her eyes. She was just trying to be nice to me. She reminded me of a child, sitting alone under this tree. I don't understand how she looks so cold but her voice is so soft. My name flowed off her lips in a weird way I couldn't explain. I pushed the confusion away.

"Hey. Why don't you come over with us instead of sitting here all alone?" I ask unpleased and she glances at the people.  "With all of them?" she asks and I wanted to sigh in my own frustration. "Yeah, why not?" I shrug. She contemplates it and finally sighs in agreement so I offer my hand to help her up. Something strange chilled up my spine when our hands met. I couldn't describe it as disgust nor disapproval. "Alright." she complies. "There's nothing to worry about." I assure."Alex..." she mutters.

"He wont touch you." I say.

As we stand in the group, Dylan and Seth were messing around but Seth ended up pushing Seth and the drink knocks out of his hand. It lands close by her and she jumps into my side by accident. She quickly moves away and I don't bring any acknowledge to it.

"It's just water." I say and she looks down at the spilled beverage.

Lord, help me...


I sit in my bed and pet Arrow's head that was resting on my lap. His eyes were hazed as he was about to fall asleep. I admired how happily he lived his aging life, he'll always have something I'll never have. My little brother, Jacob, walks in my room looking a little worried.

"Liam? My back wont stop burning." he says pained. It worried me more than it normally would have when he complains. Only because he's at that age.

I stand up and walk over to him. "Take off your shirt." I instruct and he does. I wasn't expecting him to be so far along but the red marks stripped down his back from his shoulder blades. "How long have you been feeling this?" I ask.

"I think about 2 weeks." he says unsure. His carelessness got a little concerning sometimes. "Dang it." I mumble under my breath. I never know how long it will be until Father returns. He's been gone for weeks at a time. I think the last time he came back was last month. I pull his shirt over his head and try not to show my worry. "Okay, just don't worry too much about it. Okay? I'll try to take care of things." I try to sound unconcerned.

"What is it?" he asks wearily.

 Why am I always stuck in the situations that I don't have the authority to handle?

"Just wait and see if it gets better." I say blowing off his question. He doesn't question me anymore and walks back to his room. I shut the door and angrily walk over to the balcony with a hissing sigh in my throat. "This isn't my job, you know?" I say out loud. I know very well he heard me.

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