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We were at the airport in no time.  After the twins left we rushed out of the hotel. Everyone seemed to know what was going on. Everyone except me. Which made me even more curious. But I didn't want to ask questions; I knew no one would give me an answer. So I just took my suitcase and followed behind everyone into the airport.
We had about ten minutes before our personal jet was ready.

"Jin hyung, can I go to the toilet, please?"

He stared at me, worry evident in his eyes. Just what the hell is going on that it's making them all so nervous?

"Will you be alright on your own? Or do you want me to come with you?"

I patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, hyung. I will be back in a minute." I smiled and turned around to go to the toilet. It wasn't even that far. I turned left to a hallway which the toilets were at the end of it.
None of the stalls were occupied so it was just me there.

I really needed to get away from everyone and just breath for a moment. I needed a moment to process everything. I didn't have the time to do so since they kept rushing everything.

What even is happening? Too many questions were clouding my mind, and I knew the only people who could give me an answer were god knows where at that moment.
I even thought about calling one of them but I didn't want to disturb them. They seemed pretty...stressed.

With a sigh, I turned on the faucet and bent down to splash some water on my face. When I came back up, a quiet scream left me as I looked at the mirror.

"Y-you...how did you-"

"How did I find you?"

He smirked and stepped closer, slowly closing the distance between us.

"Oh come on, Taehyung. You of all people shouldn't be surprised. After all those years..." he was inches away from my face as he whispered, "you are familiar with my methods the most."

I gulped and glanced around to see if I could use anything to-

"Oh come on, please don't bother your pretty eyes like that. There's nothing for you to use against me." I walked backwards as he kept stepping closer. "Nor there is anyone coming for you."

I tried my best to keep my voice from shaking. "They will come looking for me if I don't go back in a minute." My back hit the wall and my breath hitched.

He chuckled and slammed his hand beside my head to the wall.

"Don't worry, angel. They won't find you..." He leaned closer, moved his head near my ear and whispered, "Because you won't be here when they come looking for you."

My eyes widened as he smirked and in a matter of a blink, a piece of cloth was covering my nose...!


(Jungkook's POV)

Gguk was going crazy. He couldn't stop pacing around and mumbling to himself. Talking to him or trying to calm him down wasn't an option because he would just lash out so I kept my mouth shut.

Jimin...son of a-!
He followed us here. He even dared to attack one of our warehouses in town while we are here ourselves!

The ringing of my phone dragged me out of my thoughts. I answered while pinching my nose. My head was pounding.

"Yes, Jin hyung? What is it?"

For a moment, all I could hear was him panting.

"Hyung? What's going on? Are you okay?"

Then his words made me stop breathing.

"Kook...Taehyung's gone."

I don't know how long it took me to talk in a hushed and dazed tone.

"What did you say?"

He cried out in distress and started rambling.

"We looked everywhere I swear I was keeping an eye on him the whole time but then- he- he said he needed to go to the toilet and he would be back in a minute but then it took longer and now he's nowhere to be found I'm so sorry Jungkook this is all my fault-"

"Hyung. Please proceed with the plan." My tone went ice cold.

"W-wait what?! What about Taehyung? I just told you he's missing and I bet it's him-"

"Jin Hyung!" I tried to calm myself down by clenching my teeth. "Please, just do as I say and don't worry about Taehyung. We will find him. You guys should go back. We will take care of everything else."

The line went quiet for a moment before Jin hyung answered calmly. "Okay. We will go back." I was about to hang up but suddenly he called my name. "Jungkook!"


I think I could see his reassuring smile even when I was on the phone. "Bring him back, okay? And take care of each other. Don't let Jeongguk go overboard." I smiled and looked over at my brother who was staring at me questioningly, probably wondering who I was talking to.

"Okay. Thanks, hyung. Take care."

I hung up and walked to Jeongguk.

"Who was it?"

"Jin hyung."

"What did he say?"

I huffed and prepared myself.

"Taehyung is missing."

His face remained straight. No change of expressions or burst of emotions. That always scares me even more. He's less dangerous and under control when he shouts or starts breaking things.


He simply blinked.

"I am going to kill him. And you are not going to stop me."

He said so matter of factly with a calm voice that left no room for argument.
But there wasn't going to be one anyway...

"Who said I'm going to stop you?" I said with a straight face and calm tone maching his.

He frowned, "So you're gonna help me kill him?" He asked surprised.

I chuckled, "No, brother. You are going to help me kill him." My insides were burning with rage.

"I am the one who gets to kill him. He will die by my hands and no one else's." I said it just like Gguk, not leaving any room for an argument.

A tiny smirk creeped up his face. "Okay then, let's go." He turned on his heel and walked toward our jet.
I followed him.

We were going to find them. And when we did, I was going to kill that bastard in the most painful way...!


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
The next chapter will come soon.
And it will be pretty...well, you will see...
Also, we're getting a bit close to the ending of this book.
I feel a bit sad when I'm writing these chapters but every story has to end...:)

Love y'all!♡

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 26 ⏰

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