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(Author's POV)

If anyone wanted to describe Jeongguk's expresion, they would definitely go by"a time bomb which is about to explode"!
If it wasn't for Jungkook grabbing his brother's arm tightly to prevent him from running to Tae, Jeongguk could have murdered him right there.

Jin and Namjoon were praying for Taehyung to still be alive after tonight, while Yoongi was half asleep next to them and Hoseok was nowhere to be found.

Although Taehyung wasn't looking, but he could still feel a gaze burning into his soul. He didn't dare to look back. It was just for a moment but he had seen those eyes promising him the worst punishments.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Taehyung faked a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, totally fine...I-I gotta go though. I'm running late. Thank you for-"

A firm hand snuck around his waist.

"-the drink..."

Taehyung didn't have to look to know it was Jungkook. He knew the smell of each of their colognes.

"I see you're having fun, baby."

Jungkook said in a fake cheering voice.
He lowered himself a bit so his mouth was right next to Taehyung's ear.

"Later, we'll also have lots of fun together."

Taehyung shievered obviously which made Jungkook smirk playfully.
He wasn't as mad as his brother, since he knew Taehyung might pull something off like this, sooner or later. He knew him better than anyone else and sneaking out was the least he was expecting from him.

However,that didn't mean he wasn't angry with him. He had been as worried as Jeongguk when the gaurd told them that Taehyung has ran away. So of course, when his brother hung up and said"I'm gonna fucking spank him when I get my hands on him", he couldn't agree more.

"Excuse me, but I have to take my boyfriend before his other boyfriend gets mad."

Louis made an"O"shape with his mouth and then giggled when he saw the defeated look on Taehyung's face.

"Uh, sure. He was also about to lea-..."

Taehyung was signaling him with his eyes to not say another word, but it was too late.

"Oh? So he was about to leave? That won't be necessary anymore, 'cause we will take him back. Thank you for taking care of him."

Louis nodded and threw a apologetic smile at Taehyung.

Taehyung whined lowly when Jungkook yanked him up and leaded him to where the deadly Jeongguk was sitting with his hands crossed over his chest.

He looked up at Kook with his puppy eyes, scared for his dear life.

"Don't give me that look now, kitty. You should've thought this through when you ran out of the hotel."

"But I was bored. I couldn't take it anymore!"

They stopped in front of Jeongguk, then Kook moved aside and sat next to the furious man.
Jeongguk was literaly shaking out of fury. He just didn't want to make a scene there, so he was waiting for them to go somewhere else so he could punish Tae the way he wants.

Taehyung knew how much Jeongguk hated not having eye contact, but he couldn't bring himself to look into his murderous eyes.
Jeongguk wasn't having any if it. In a sudden, Taehyung had his neck grabbed firmly and by force, sat on Gguk's lap.

"How dare you disobey me, hmm?" He whispered dangerously low in his face.

When he tried to look down, the pressure on his throat increased and he had no other choice than looking at him.

"Answer me if you don't want me to bent you over my knee and spank you right here!"

Taehyung whimpered, scared for his dear ass.


His answer came out more like a question and he gulped when Jeongguk put his hand on his ass.

"You know what happens to badboys who disobey, don't you?"

Taehyung whined but nodded and said a quiet"yes".

"Tell me."

Taehyung was both excited and scared. He knew he's going to regret disobeying them, but he couldn't stop himself from thinking of what would they do to him.

"They get p-punished."

"Good. Now get up."

He glanced at his hyungs for help but they all looked at the ceiling, not daring to say anything to Jeongguk or try to change his mind.

Slowly, he got up and shortly after, the twins also stood up and made their way through the rooms upstairs while Jeongguk was holding Taehyung's hand tightly. Taehyung was literally being dragged away and he had to fast walk to keep up with their pace.

They stopped in front of a room with a black door which had the VIP sign up of it. Jungkook unlocked the door and he was pushed in the room.
He stumbled and had to put his hands on the bed to balance himself.
When he turned his head, he was frozen by the sight of his boyfriends getting rid of their coats, Jeongguk sliding his sleeves up and Jungkook unbuttoning his shirt.

"I think we've been too lenient with you. You have been misbehaving a lot lately. But we're about to put a stop to it..."

He sat on the side of the king sized bed, inches away from Taehyung.

"Now, my little disobedient puppy, get over my knees."


Hey guys!
Sorry about the long wait.
I'm studying for my school exams so I couldn't update any faster.
Anyway, I guess you know what's about to come next...(¬‿¬ )

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