Chapter 2

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"Nance?Where is everyone?"I call out.Nancy had been my best friend for a few months by now.After she found me out in the death all alone,She took me back to her camp where I met Jax,Sav,Tommy and Mike.Of course,not one of them trusted me at first but they weren't gonna leave me out there alone,it's unfair.

"I think Jax and Mike went to find water and Thomas and Sav went to look for medical supplies"Nancy replied,I couldn't tell where about she was in the camp but she was safe,I knew that."Where are you?"I followed up with,my eyebrows furrowing and my eyes squeezing closed a little,looking into the distance trying to shade my eyes from the sun.Ever since the virus broke out the weather has been coming at random.Sometimes it was sunny,other times it was wet and foggy.Beggars can't be choosers I suppose."In the farm"she answered back with.The only thing we could really find seeds for were potatoes and carrots,which is fine because I love carrots.And we found some animals too.We got sheep,pigs and some chickens.I picked up my greenish rucksack and threw it over my shoulder,picking up my feet and taking myself over to where Nancy said she was."Hey"she says as she sees me approach the field she was stood firmly in the middle of.Nancy was an average height brunette girl with shoulder length hair and blue eyes.She had long eyelashes and full pink lips and the most perfectly shaped face.Me?Im a five-foot-five blonde girl that also has shoulder length hair but green eyes.My lips are also full and pink but not even close to Nancy.

I sling my rucksack back over my shoulder and place it down on the ground next to me,reaching into it and pulling out something wrapped in cloth."I found this by the woodland entrance"I say reaching out my hand to pass it to Nancy."What is it?"she frowned and turned it around in her smooth,silky hands."No clue,Was just sitting there.There's something hard in it"i place my hands on my hips and squint,again trying to keep the sun out of my eyes.Nancy found the top of the cloth and slowly peeled it down,revealing a little metal container with the letters 'W.W.S.P'.

"What the fuck is W.W.S.P"Nancy squinted looking at the tag."I don't know but I don't think we should open it."I reply pointing at the glass section of the container and the orange liquid swirling around inside it.Nancy grimaces and wraps it back up in cloth."You can keep it,your the one who found it"she continues slipping it back into my rucksack and zipping it up.

"Hey guys!"A voice in the distance surrounded us.It's Savannah,Or Sav.Me and Sav aren't really that close but I don't hate her.I'm shaken from my thoughts as Jax,Thomas and Mike were standing next to me along with Sav who was now stood with Nancy."Hey Jem"Mike said wrapping his hand around my hips and pulling me into his side."Hello Mike"I reply with a smirk.Me and Mike had always been a little flirty but it wasn't gonna lead anywhere.Nancy rolled her eyes with a smile and parted her beautifully tinted lips to speak,"Did you guys find anything?"She spoke as we all started walking back to the cabins.The cabins were already here when I got here,I'm not sure whether or not They just found it or maybe they built it but Atleast I didn't have to do any of it.

We all sat around a rickety wooden table and Sav,Mike,Jax and Thomas all emptied their backpacks.Jax and Mike had six bottles of water that they had found in one of the shut down corner shops a little bit away from camp.
On the other hand,Thomas and Savannah found two first aid kits."What about you,Jem?What've you got?"Sav asked pointing at my bag.

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