Seating Chart (Quick)

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"Hey, I'm glad you're home." Quinn stated. "I've been working on the seating chart for the wedding, and I could really use your help."

"I'm sure whatever you came up with is good." Puck responded. "But let me see."

"Yeah, I want your input." Quinn added.

"Okay." Puck said, sitting down next to Quinn.

"So." Quinn began. "You and I will be at the sweetheart table here, and I want the table closest to us to be Beth's table."

"How many people per table is it again?" Puck wondered.

"Up to ten." Quinn answered. "Beth, my mom, your mom, Sarah, Jake, Marley, Santana, and Brittany."

"That's only eight." Puck noted.

"Does Sarah need a plus one?" Quinn asked.

"No, don't encourage her." Puck shook his head. "Who's gonna be at the other tables?"

"Sam, Mercedes, and their families will be at one table." Quinn explained. "If they all come, that's twelve, but Mercedes said Marcus and his wife and two kids won't come, which brings us to eight."

"Mike, Tina, Artie, Kitty, Unique plus guest, Sugar, Rory." Puck read off the list as he looked it over. "Where's Mrs. H gonna sit?"

"That table will be Carole, Burt, Kurt, Blaine, Mr. Schue, Coach Beiste-"

"You're inviting Beiste?" Puck interrupted.

"Yeah." Quinn nodded. "She means a lot to you."

"Yeah." Puck agreed. "Is Rachel gonna be at that table?"

"Either that or maybe she'll be more comfortable at Artie's table." Quinn explained. "What do you think?"

"I think she should sit with Kurt and Mrs. H." Puck noted.

"Even if she brings a guest?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah." Puck said.

"Okay." Quinn replied.

"Wait, is the baby gonna be at Beth's table?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"Yeah, my mom already said she'll look after him that day." Quinn informed Puck.

"So Beth's table will be at nine, including the baby." Puck noted.

"Yeah, and I have a table for your Air Force buddies, a table for my college friends, a table for-"

"Do you remember when I took leave for your college graduation?" Puck interrupted.

"Of course I remember that." Quinn said. "Why?"

"You told me you got a ticket for Finn." Puck reminded Quinn. "He would've been my Best Man if he was still around, and I wanna save a seat for him at the ceremony and at the reception."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"What do you think?" Puck wondered.

"I think that's a really nice idea." Quinn smiled. "We can save him a seat near the front of our ceremony."

"What about the reception?" Puck asked.

"I actually thought about saving one at Beth's table since it's closest to ours and he's her godfather." Quinn explained.

Puck nodded slowly and put his arms out. "Come here."

Quinn smiled as Puck hugged her.

"Thank you."

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