Pills (Quick)

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"Where's your cover?"

"I'm with the band." Quinn replied to the bouncer.


"Yes." Quinn muttered. "You gonna let me in?"

"You're with the band? You don't look like it."

"I don't look like it? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Listen, blondie. When you-"

"Hey, hey, hey, she's with me." Puck interrupted, walking over to Quinn.

"Told you." Quinn smirked at the bouncer as Puck greeted her with a kiss and took her hand.

"Thanks for coming." Puck smiled.

"Yeah." Quinn nodded. "I'm really excited to see you play. You've been so secretive about the songs and the rehearsals."

"Well, I know how much you love surprises." Puck teased.

"I'm really proud of you. You've been taking this so seriously and working so hard." Quinn told Puck as they reached the others. "Hey, guys."

"Thanks." Finn smiled, his smile quickly faded as a bucket of pills was passed to him. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Puck.

"What kind of gig is this?" Rachel asked.

"A party." Puck said, taking two pills and swallowing them while Sam laughed.

"Noah." Quinn scolded.

"Sorry, did you want one?" Puck questioned Quinn after passing the bucket on.

"You know what? We can talk about this later."


Quinn stood with her arms folded as she watched the band perform. Puck was a talented musician and Quinn loved watching him perform, but she was also pissed at him for taking pills.

"They're actually good." Brittany commented.

"They're missing a female vocalist." Rachel noted.

"Yeah, maybe they'll ask Santana or Mercedes." Brittany replied, and Rachel frowned.

Santana laughed. She furrowed her eyebrows as she watched the band. "Hey, what's up with Puck?"

"He's fine." Quinn insisted.

"He looks like a mess." Santana commented.

"He's fine." Quinn repeated. "Okay?"

"Okay." Santana said, making a face.


When the boys finished their set, they came back to the girls.

"You guys crushed it!" Rachel exclaimed, kissing Finn.

"Thanks." Finn smiled.

"Where's Puck?" Santana wondered.

"He went to smoke a cigarette." Sam replied. "He'll be right back."

"I think I'm gonna go get some air." Quinn decided. "You guys were great."

"Thanks, Quinn."

Quinn excused herself and walked away, heading outside. She walked around until she found Puck.

"Hey, babe! What'd you think?"

"I thought Finn and Sam were really good." Quinn answered.

"Finn and Sam? What about me?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"You were a little careless." Quinn replied. "Don't you think?"

"Careless?" Puck repeated. "What are you talking about?"

"The pills, Noah." Quinn said.

"That was nothing." Puck noted. "It was just a little extra fun for the gig."

"Sam and Finn didn't take anything." Quinn pointed out.

"So?" Puck shrugged.

"So there are other ways to have fun." Quinn pointed out. "Safer ways that don't include taking a mystery pill or two."

Puck furrowed his eyebrows.

"I just finished telling you how proud I was." Quinn reminded Puck. "And then you took pills without thinking about what would happen next."

"Nothing happened." Puck said.

"You didn't know nothing would happen." Quinn stated. "And besides, they made you mess up on stage."

"Calm down, grandma." Puck replied. "We crushed it. I was fine."

"You know what? I'm not gonna stick around and watch you self-destruct." Quinn decided.

Puck rolled his eyes.

"Call me when you're sober. And not an idiot."

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