Dating Again (Fuinn)

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"Hey." Quinn smiled as she knocked on Finn's office door.

Finn looked up and smiled, getting up when he saw it was Quinn. "Hey! What are you doing here?"

"I'm officially done with finals." Quinn told Finn.

"How'd it go?" Finn wondered, greeting Quinn with a kiss.

"Good." Quinn nodded.

"Well, I'm free this weekend, if you want help packing up your dorm." Finn offered.

"I handled it." Quinn smiled. "I really wanted to get here to see you."

Finn smirked and kissed Quinn again.

Quinn grinned when they parted.

"My classes ended, but I'm still here until glee ends." Finn told Quinn. "You should come to rehearsal with me."

"Are you sure?" Quinn asked. "I don't wanna get in your way."

"I want you there." Finn added.

"Okay." Quinn nodded as she took Finn's hand.

"Okay." Finn repeated, squeezing Quinn's hand and leading her to the choir room. "Look who I found."


Quinn grinned as Finn let go of her hand, and she was greeted by her friends. She greeted Blaine, Tina, and Artie with hugs before looking at Sam. "Sam."

"Quinn, hey." Sam smiled as he hugged Quinn. "What are you doing here?"

"I survived my first year." Quinn shrugged when they parted.

"At Yale." Mr. Schue added as he entered the choir room and everyone began to take their seats again. "It's good to see you, Quinn."

"Thanks." Quinn replied. "It's good to see you, Mr. Schue. Finn invited me to crash, I hope that's okay."

"Of course it is." Mr. Schue nodded. "You remember the new kids, right?"

Quinn raised her eyebrows, not remembering any of their names.

"Finn." Mr. Schue said.

"That's Unique, Ryder, Marley." Finn pointed them out to Quinn. "You remember Puck's brother, Jake."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"And Kitty." Finn finished.

"Right." Quinn muttered, looking at Finn as the blonde cheerleader waved at her.

"Why don't you have a seat, Quinn?" Mr. Schue suggested.

"Here." Finn added, pulling a chair over to where he used to sit in the front.

Quinn sat down and smiled as Mr. Schue sat down by the piano and Finn began the lesson.


"I'm so proud of you." Quinn told Finn, getting up when they were the last ones in the choir room.

Finn smiled.

"You're so good with them." Quinn continued as she wrapped her arms around Finn's neck. "This is what you're meant to be doing, I know it."

"I used to think I'd hate myself if I stayed in Ohio, but this feels good." Finn added.

"I'm so glad you didn't get married last year." Quinn stated.

"Thanks for stopping the wedding." Finn teased. "And for stopping me from going to New York."

"Anytime." Quinn said softly before kissing Finn.

"Was it weird for you to be back here?" Finn wondered when they parted.

"A little." Quinn nodded. "We've come full circle now, haven't we?"

"Yeah." Finn said. "But this time around is better."

"I'm just glad we were able to start on a clean slate." Quinn responded. "You've forgiven me for so many mistakes, and you've accepted me despite my many, many flaws."

"You don't have any flaws, as far as I'm concerned." Finn noted. "But I'm really glad we're together, and I'm glad we'll have the whole summer together."

"Me, too." Quinn smiled.

"I love you, Quinn." Finn added.

"I love you, too." Quinn said softly as she hugged Finn. "Thanks for giving me a second chance."

"Thanks for coming home for Thanksgiving." Finn replied as they parted.

Quinn smiled.

"You wanna go see Coach Sylvester?" Finn suggested.

"Let's get out of here." Quinn decided, pulling Finn closer and kissing his cheek before giving him a look.

"Let's get out of here."

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