Marriage Questions (Rachel/Quinn)

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"Before Jesse and I get married, we're trying to figure out all sorts of things to avoid issues after the wedding." Rachel began.

"Okay, well, I think it's smart that you guys postponed the wedding and moved in together." Quinn stated. "Someone can be a good boyfriend and a horrible roommate."

"Was Puck?" Rachel wondered.

Quinn shook her head. "He was a horrible boyfriend when I was pregnant with Beth, but he was a good roommate. We learned each other's habits."

"What about when you got back together?" Rachel questioned Quinn.

"It helped that we had had some idea of how the other lived." Quinn explained. "Like having a fan on at bedtime is non-negotiable for both of us. Even if I'm cold, the fan is on and we just cuddle."

"That's a good point." Rachel noted.

"You should also talk about how to deal with in-laws." Quinn advised Rachel. "Ruth is okay, for the most part, and Noah doesn't mind me holding my own with her, but he's more shut down with my mother."

"Jesse's parents love me, and my dads love him." Rachel told Quinn.

"Good." Quinn said. "What else have you guys talked about?"

"Who's gonna kill bugs and who won't." Rachel smiled.

Quinn laughed lightly. "Really?"

Rachel nodded. "Jesse's got that covered."

"What about the big stuff?" Quinn questioned Rachel. "If you're planning on having children together, you should talk about any potential health concerns that could be passed on. And how you'll parent. And the timing."

"Timing?" Rachel raised her eyebrow.

"I know, I'm one to talk." Quinn muttered. "But Noah and I really talked about timing for Hudson and Lucy, and we already knew each other's parenting styles."

"What about health issues?" Rachel asked.

"The biggest thing for our kids is psychological health issues." Quinn stated. "But he and I have been working on ours so we can hopefully help the kids turn out better than we did."

Rachel nodded slowly.

"Do you feel like you can talk to Jesse about anything?" Quinn wondered. "The good and the bad? Any and all career opportunities?"

"Yeah, I think so." Rachel answered. "You and Puck must, you've been together so long."

"Yeah, we've seen each other through lots of highs and lots of lows so..." Quinn shrugged.

"Do you think I'm ready?"

"I think you are."

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