Cheated (Quick)

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"I did something stupid." Puck announced as he entered Finn's apartment.

"What did you do?" Finn wondered.

"Is Rachel here?" Puck asked.

"No, just me." Finn said. "You okay, dude?"

Puck nodded slowly, trying to pull himself together.

"Sit down." Finn advised Puck, pulling a chair over. "We can talk."

"Can I smoke?" Puck requested as he sat down in the chair, slumping back.

"Talk." Finn commanded. "What's wrong?"

"Quinn and I have been talking about the future a lot lately." Puck began. "Our future."

Finn nodded slowly.

"And, I dunno, I guess I was kinda freaking out about being someone's husband." Puck explained. "So I fucked up."

"What happened?" Finn wondered.

"I ruined it." Puck answered.

"What did you do, Puck?" Finn questioned Puck.

"I cheated on her." Puck confessed, ashamed.

"You cheated on her?" Finn repeated.

Puck nodded slowly.

Finn nodded back. "You have to tell her."

"I know." Puck said. "She deserves to hear it from me."

"Maybe she'll forgive you." Finn added.

"She won't." Puck shook his head as he got up. "And she shouldn't."




"Hi, Noah." Quinn smiled as she came to greet Puck.

Puck took Quinn's hands and avoided her kiss. "I need to talk to you."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrows. "Okay."

"I love you." Puck began as he and Quinn sat down on the couch. "And I know I've never been good at, like, expressing my feelings or whatever, but I know in my heart that I want you, and I wanna be with you. I want all that stuff we've talked about. I do."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"I..." Puck trailed off as he looked at Quinn. She was so happy with him, and so in love with him, and it made him feel even worse. "I think we should split up."

"What?" Quinn asked. "But you just said-"

"I cheated on you." Puck cut Quinn off. "And it was stupid and I'll regret it for the rest of my life, but I'm sorry."

"Noah." Quinn frowned.

"I'm so sorry." Puck apologized.

"I wanna know everything." Quinn decided, wiping away a tear.

"Quinn." Puck said.

"I wanna know everything." Quinn repeated. "Start talking."

"We had sex." Puck told Quinn.

"We who?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"It only happened once." Puck said. "I don't remember her name."

"So you threw away two years with me and our entire relationship for one night with someone you can't even remember her name." Quinn concluded.

"I'm sorry, Q." Puck apologized.

"Get out." Quinn commanded, though her voice was calm and controlled.

"Quinn, wait." Puck requested. "Please? I love you."

Quinn shook her head. "That's clearly not enough for you, or you wouldn't have done this."

"I made a mistake." Puck said. "I wasn't thinking."

"Get out, Noah." Quinn said again.

"No, I wanna fix this."

"You don't get to decide that."

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