Repeating History (Quicketh+fam)

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"Mr. and Mrs. Puckerman, I'm Dr. Kline. I've been taking care of your daughter."

"How's she doing?" Puck wondered.

"She's mostly bruised up, and she needs stitches, but she's okay. Thankfully, she was wearing a seatbelt."

"If she needs stitches, why hasn't she gotten any yet?" Puck questioned Dr. Kline.

"She's refusing treatment." Dr. Kline informed Puck. "But she's okay."

"What about our son?" Quinn asked. "Hudson."

"Hudson's still in surgery." Dr. Kline told Quinn and Puck. "He took the brunt of the crash."

"Is he gonna be okay?" Puck questioned the doctor.

"We'll update you as soon as we can." Dr. Kline answered. "In the meantime, I can have one of the nurses take you to see your daughter, if you'd like."

"Yes." Quinn nodded as she took Puck's hand. "Thank you."

The pair followed the nurse to Lucy's room.

"Lulu, thank god." Puck exhaled as he hurried to greet her.

"Where's Hudson?" Lucy questioned Quinn and Puck.

"He's in surgery." Puck answered.

"Surgery?" Lucy repeated. "Oh my god, no. He was protecting me, and he-"

"Lulu, they've got him." Puck interrupted. "They're gonna help him."

"I'm gonna go find his doctor." Quinn decided, wiping a tear from her eye before leaving the room.

"How was it your fault?" Puck questioned Lucy.

"He was picking me up from a party." Lucy stated. "A party he told me not to go to because there would be drinking."

"Did you drink?" Puck wondered. "Is that why you refused treatment?"

Lucy nodded. "I didn't know if they'd, like, breathalyze me, and I didn't wanna get in trouble."

"They're not gonna breathalyze you." Puck said. "I'm glad you called your brother to get you though."

"I'm not." Lucy replied. "Look what happened." Lucy replied.

"I'm gonna find someone to come stitch you up, and then we'll go find your mother, okay?"


"Mrs. Puckerman."

"Is Hudson awake?" Quinn asked.

"Your son is out of surgery, but he's not awake yet."

"Is he okay? Can I see him?" Quinn requested.

"The surgery was successful, but we won't know the severity of the damage to his back and spine until he wakes up." The surgeon explained.

"His spine?" Quinn repeated, tears filling her eyes. "He injured his spine?"

"Mrs. Puckerman-"

"He's on a football scholarship at Yale. If he can't walk, he can't play and he..." Quinn trailed off as she started sobbing.

"Mrs. Puckerman, I can take you to see him, if you'd like."

"Yeah." Quinn nodded, wiping her eyes even though her tears continued to flow. "Please."


"Lulu's discharged." Puck informed Quinn as he entered Hudson's room. "How's he doing?"

"He's still asleep." Quinn said, exhaling slowly.

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