Like Father-Like Son

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Lord Frederick William Howard was the father of three gorgeous sons and one gorgeous daughter, and in 2200, he turned his attention towards his second son, Lord Charles Andrew Howard named for his great- grandfather, Lord Edward Charles Howard who perished during World War Three Planet Earth in 2153.

Lord Frederick William Howard The Second the oldest son is a disappointment to his father and from 2199 to 2205, Lord Frederick William Howard The Second refuses every woman that his father finds for him.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard is very gorgeous, with short dark brown hair, brown eyes, he is very athletic, very studious, very serious, but he has a romantic side to him, and it is with his younger sister's best friend, Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill, the daughter and heiress to the Dukedom of Marlborough Territory, and her father is Lord John Spencer-Churchill and her mother is Lady Sarah.

Lady Alexandra Elizabeth is often seen at Norfolk Estate and Manor with Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard.

Lady Alexandra Elizabeth is five years younger than Lord Charles Andrew Howard and Lord Charles Andrew best friend, Lord William Carey, and he is charmed with Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard, but he is also five years older than Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard.

When Lord Charles Andrew Howard is fifteen, his sister and her friend are only ten years old, but he is still in love with Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill.

Neither Lady Sophia Charlotte nor Lady Alexandra Elizabeth will turn 15 until 2205, and by then both of the young men will be 20 years old, but often young women are married by the age of 18.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard is so much in love with Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill and he tells his father " I love Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill."

Lord Frederick William Howard looks at his son and he tells him ' Lord Charles Andrew if you love her. You have to tell her and then I have to ask for a meeting with her father, The Duke of Marlborough Territory."

"I only know what your grandfather told me about Lord George Spencer-Churchill, who traveled with him and it is his granddaughter." Lord Frederick William states.

"It is not uncommon for the son of a Duke to marry the daughter of a Marquess, Earl, Viscount, but we don't go any lower than that." Lord Frederick William states.

"Lord Phillip Carey has a daughter, Lady Philadelphia Carey, Lord Edward Deveraux has a daughter, Lady Frances." Lord Frederick William states.

"Have you considered one of those ladies?" Lord Frederick William asks his son.

"I have my heart set on Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill.' Lord Charles Andrew states.

"Lady Alexandra Elizabeth is only 15 and you are nearly 20 years old." Lord Frederick William tells him.

"Don't you realize when she is 17 years old you will be 22 years old." Lord Frederick William asks.

"We will still be young enough to start a family." Lord Charles Andrew tells his father.

"Father. You are still young and have many years to go before you pass away." Lord Charles Andrew tells his father.

"Your grandfather thought the same thing in 2190, but the hard years of his life took its toll on him." Lord Frederick William tells him.

"I was born in 2165, Lord Charles Andrew. I was married in 2183, and my first two children were born in 2184 and 2185." Lord Frederick William states.

"Your mother and I were the same. Your mother turned me down three times before she agreed to marry me." Lord Frederick William states.

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