The Grandfather of Four Dukes of Star Base 12

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Lord Charles Andrew Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory and Duke of York wasn't without his male line grandsons, and his sons came through for their great-great-grandfather, Lord Patrick William Howard.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory at the age of 30, presents his father with his first male line grandson, Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, Duke of Lancaster Territory, followed by Lord Charles Andrew Howard The third with Lord Charles Andrew Howard The fourth named for his great-grandfather, Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR, and Lord Patrick William Howard The Second presents his father,with Lord Daivd Frederick Howard, named for his maternal grandfather, Lord David Frederick Stafford, Duke of Buckingham Territory on Star Base 12, and finally, Lord Andrew Charles presents his father, with a second grandson, Lord Albert Edward Howard, Duke of Kent Territory, named for his second paternal great-grandfather, Lord Albert Edward Spencer-Churchill, third Duke of Marlborough Territory.

Three of them marry in 2300, and not ten months later each have a child, Lord Anthony Christopher has a son, Lord Alexander Andrew Howard, Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third has a daughter, Lady Charlotte Andrea Howard, and Lord David Frederick Howard has a daughter, Lady Catalina Isabella Howard.

Lord Albert Edward Howard married in 2303, and in 2305, he had a daughter, Lady Alberta Edwina Howard. 

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