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6 years later
Foxy and Chica were happily married living a life they always wanted as they didn't need anyone but themselves. Tochi gave birth to twins a boy and a girl who's names were Michael and Mary. They were both Amber Foxs that looked toyish with Black eyes and brown pupils. Charles was promoted to a Count after saving Childern in a Buring down building (which was Goldie and Friends) he also had enough money. Foxy purchased the funhouse where he destroyed it and replaced it with a Church. Dedicated to Mike. Foxy was happy that he finally won and was ready to start life again. Chica smiled and rubbed Foxy. Chica loved Foxy and Foxy loved Chica. Foxy knew he wasn't a wise guy but he had wisdom from waiting and hoping. It was a cool day in July and Foxy The Pirate had finally achieved his piece.


A/N:I hoped you loved the story it was long and confusing but I'm glad everything went well
Goodbye for now!

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