The Dual

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"Watch your Mother." Foxy said to Charles. Freddy moved closer and pulled out his sword.

"Now I can't have you live in a word where the tables are turned Fox." Freddy said as he rushed to Freddy. Foxy swung his sword and knocked Freddy off his horse and Freddy swung Foxy's Sword in the long Grass.  The two got up saw each other and attacked Foxy was faster and was able to pin Freddy punching him as Freddy tried to retreat. Freddy saw his sword and sliced Foxy who went to jump at him. Foxy now bleeding oil had to find his sword where he was running. Freddy chased after him and Foxy was panicking looking for his sword when he saw a rock and threw it full speed at Freddy's face which left him without an eye. Foxy still looking for his sword found it and picked it up and parried Freddy as he jabbed Freddy lightly with his sword. Charles ran to fight but TF held him back saying it was his father's fight. Foxy was winning it seemed like until Freddy pulled his gun out and shot Foxy in his leg. Foxy groaned in pain but cut Freddys hand off as a response. Freedy used his wires to shock Foxy which lifted his eyepatch and left Foxy able to see in both eyes. Foxy smiled and went back to jabbing Freddy who was unable to fight back. Freddy parried Foxy and took his sword out of Foxys hand and put Foxys sword in his non dominant hand. Freddy smiled a devious smile where he held the swords in an X pattern. Foxy looking nervous jumped to Freddy where he was sliced. Freddy wanted to get the final blow but was met with Foxy switching his arm stabbing Freddy right through his heart. Oil spilling everywhere Freddy collapsed to the ground.

"What happend to mercy Foxy?" Freddy asked as he spat oil out.

"You'll find out one day...maybe." Foxy whispered to Freddys ear as he shut down Freddys endoskeletion. Freddy shut his eyes and died. Charles waked out to see Freddys body cried a few tears and stomped his Head until it was broken for good. Chica was in a hospital when TF took her there and wanted to be safe. Foxy finally found his peace and was fulfilled. Foxy saw a ghost of Mike where he smiled and Foxy smiled back. As Foxy, Charles, and TF went back to town they met Tochi would revealed to the public they were engaged. TB clapped and smiled she was upset Bonnie was gone but Happy her daughter was happy. Chica came ou of hospital nursed back to life where she and Foxy shared a kiss. Foxy went to Charles and Tochi formally introduced himself and shook there hands.

"Charles, Tochi, all he house I own besides my small house in Rome I give to you for your wedding gifts. Please keep me in your prayers as Your Mother and I sail the world." Foxy smiled as he patted His sons back.

"Thank you Hur- Fox- Dad. Thank you Dad." Charles smiled as him and Tochi kissed. Foxy went on his boat with Chica. As everyone waved by, TF asked where to and Foxy responded with anywhere. Chica laughed and Kissed Foxy once more. Foxy kissed her back knowing there love was true and returned to the man he used to be.

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