Drabble ~ Painting

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We hit 500 followers on Tumblr! So in honor of that, I had this idea to do a Levi x Painter!Reader drabble and well I just thought it would be humorously wholesome :)

The day started out chaotic enough as it was, with back to back training sessions with his squad and business meetings with Commander Erwin in the Capitol; yet Levi's partner had taken on a new hobby that set his nerves to an all time high.

Of course, he would never outwardly express his anxiety towards this hobby, as he knew it brought you joy. But all the same...his jaw would involuntarily clench at the sight.

As there you often sat at his own desk, a pad of thick paper laid out before you and a teacup of black tea at your wrist.

Maybe it was the fact he still wasn't quite used to having the luxuries he suddenly acquired when joining the Survey Corps, as to him that's what they were. A stable bed to sleep in, three meals a day, access to fitting clothes and a bright sky to look up at. Most importantly, his newly granted access to his favorite brews of black teas from the interior.

Perhaps that's what made him tense every time he witness his partner dip a fine bristled brush into a cup of perfectly fine black tea, a cup that easily could have been drank to sooth his own nerves from the previous day to day's work loads, and use the liquid to stain parchment into whatever image they wished to create.

You had started off with regular paints, in the beginning; filling his office with colorful murals of varying forms of expressive thought he often liked to muse over in his spare time. But when one fateful night when you came into his office to share tea, you had spilled his cup over a sheet of paper he had laying out on his desk. Upon drying, you were amused to see a unique pattern stained in shades of beige and brown lining the parchment.

Ever since, you'd picked up your "tea-wasting painting" hobby, as Levi liked to call it.

Levi would never forget the day he mistook his tea cup for yours, and took quite the gulp before finding several broken bristles floating around the dark liquid. Ever since that day, he triple checked a cup was his own to spare his anxious heart and queasy stomach.

Your creativity always captured his attention when he would be brave enough to stand at your shoulder and peer over at the paper, though. And after some time, he took to watching you create your art on a more regular basis. It took a lot of convincing from you, but eventually he tried it himself.

He'd always become flustered and dismissive upon your praise, but began to secretly leave out "forgotten" cups of his precious tea for you to use, should the sudden creative urge take you over.

He'd never admit it aloud, much less even to himself, but he rather enjoyed participating in this hobby with you. He could bitch all he wanted about you wasting his tea, but at the end of the day, he'd be sat across the desk from you with a brush of his own in hand.

And of course, a separate cup of his own safe tea well out of your reach.

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