Drabble ~ Jealous Pining

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Because I hit 100 followers today on Tumblr, here's another mindless drabble~
Clingy!/Jealous! Levi needing to remind his team who you belong to~

"Oi, Gunther!"

The young man snapped up his head, brown eyes meeting steely grey. Tilting his head down slightly, he made direct eye contact with his Captain as he swallowed nervously.

"Captain!" He saluted quickly.

"I though I told you to clean this hall. Not flirt with your comrades." Levi clicked his tongue in annoyance, a deep-set scowl chiseled onto his face.

"S-sorry Captain, I'll get right on it."

Scoffing under his breath, Levi watched as Gunther scurried away with a mop quickly finding its way into his hand.

For the third time this week, Levi had been forced to watch at a distance as the male members of his squad 'took turns' hitting on their superior. Namely, the squad's Lieutenant.

His, Lieutenant.

For weeks now he'd watched as Gunther, as well as his cadets Eld and Oulo, approached you. What started as a casual conversation always led, at one point or another, to an over zealous compliment or a sickeningly flirtatious remark.

Levi had grown tired of watching from the shadows as others approached you as he could not.

He's wanted for so long to be able to say to you what his subordinates did. To be so calm and smooth with you as they were.

Though he lacked the vocabulary and confidence to approach you in such a way, still he watched on in silent jealousy.

At present time, Lieutenant Y/N stood near the back of the hall, a duster in their hand as they worked. Levi admired their determination for a moment longer before turning and walking away, a silent curse on his lips.

But before he could reach the opposing end of the hall, he turned and barked over his shoulder towards you.

"L/N, you're cleaning the Mess Hall now; with me. It seems I need to keep a constant eye on you."

You briskly nodded, heading to his side immediately. And while your back was turned, Levi met each of the men's eyes in turn with a raised chin in silent challenge.

Back off, she's with me.

Levi followed after you at a close distance, his mind racing on just how he would broach the subject of his admirations and affections towards you.

He decided right then and there that, when he did confess to you, he would be sure to do so in plain view of all those who wanted you as he did.

But until then, just how long would he have to fight off the others for your affection before you noticed his silent pining for your attention?

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