Drabble ~ Flirtatious

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Flirtatious!Levi came to me in a hallucination and I had to share-

You'd been forced out of HQ early one morning with your squad, ordered by Commander Erwin to stake out any potential resource points beyond the walls. The objective was to locate a position the Survey Corps could use as a rendezvous during expeditions.

It was supposed to be an 'in-and-out' type of mission for the S.O.S., but as the morning dragged on into evening, and you were still out in titan territory, Captain Levi had decided to call it a night to set up a temporary camp.

Titan sightings had been scarce in this area, so you knew you could rest easy tonight.

But being outside the walls still had you all uneasy, so you'd decided to take a walk not far off from the others as they set up tents.

The sun was now setting, offering you a clear view of the wide open sky. No walls obscured your vision, no windows filtered the colors of the sky.

This was always your favorite part of the missions you'd go out on; watching the sun set out in the wild.

You'd approached a ledge, leading over a cliff near the forrest lining the open field. Deciding this spot would do, you stopped your feet from moving and merely stood with your hands folded behind your back. The sudden sound of a twig snapping underfoot brought you out of your thoughts.

"Where are you going?"

"To look out over the ledge. Who knows, there might be something nice to look at. It'd be a nice change of scenery from the barracks." You responded softly, your tone light and relaxed.

You smiled as you approached the ledge of the cliff, eyes trained on the vibrant colors of the setting sun along the horizon. Breathing a sigh of relief, you continued on in a near whisper.

"The setting sun is a sight I find to be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

"I'd have to agree with that statement, if mine weren't currently walking away from me." Levi hummed, eyes trained on your back.

Stopping, you looked over your shoulder with a raised brow in confusion.

"Your what?"

"My favorite sight." He murmured, taking a step closer to you near the ledge.

"The thing I find to be the most beautiful I've ever seen."

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