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The 57th expedition outside the walls was a bust, despite the new information about new threats about the Female Titans the Corps had gathered.

And with that information, came several lives lost.

Upon returning to the abandoned HQ with Eren and Captain Levi, Y/N did her best to keep her composure after losing all of her closest friends. But at the end of the day, what she really needs is the comforting reassurance of the man who holds her heart.
SFW, angst-to-fluff, Lieutenant!Reader

Deep breaths. Deep breaths, and don't think about it.

You'd repeated this to yourself in your head for the past several hours, to no avail.

You were thankful you'd made it back alive from yet another expedition, of course, and was relieved to have successfully brung Eren back mostly unharmed with your squad. Well, what was left of it, at least.

As a soldier, you knew the risks you and your comrades took every time you swung up onto the backs of your horses and charged out of Maria's gates. You'd seen death countless times. Bloody, mangled corpses littering the ground or sticking half out of steaming titan corpses before they could be fully devoured.

Over time, the overwhelming fear you'd feel every time ebbed away. It still grieved you to see familiar faces lying unmoving at your feet, but you no longer would lock up or break down on the spot.

You always saved that for later, when your assistance wasn't needed and you had privacy to mourn on your own time.

But now? Now, that had all changed.

The deaths of your squad, the Special Operations Squad, was something you couldn't just tune out until you reached your room for the night.

You'd been there, the moment steel met flesh and severed Gunther's nape. You'd been there, when Eld's body was crushed between the titan's teeth. You'd heard Petra's horrified screams and the sickening crunch of her spine shattering when the female titan slammed her petite frame against a tree. You'd tried to hold Oulo back, but his rage blinded him to the giant's hand swinging towards him.

You'd frozen in fear, unable to make your fingers pull the triggers of your gear to race forward and avenge your comrades. Your friends. You'd hung in the air motionlessly, breath ragged and heart pounding. You urged yourself to move, to fight, to get out of the way and grab Eren as he zipped past you, screaming in rage.

But you hadn't. You could only watch with tear blurred vision as the boy transformed, taking the female titan head on in combat.

It had been years since you had lost yourself on the field of battle, but here you found yourself; dangling there uselessly with your eyes stuck on the scene of the mangled redhead at the base of the tree below you.

You had dropped to the ground, barely feeling the impact that stung your feet and crouched beside your best friend. You knew it was pointless, you knew what you had seen. Yet still you reached out a shaking hand and checked for a pulse.

Gone. Just like all the others.

Unable to kneel any longer, you had collapsed to your knees, silent sobs racking your body and making your ribs ache with every jagged breath you drew.

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