Event: AOT Finale

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I had meant to post this to Wattpad the day of the Finale release, but I got caught up with some medical scares and workplace drama.

But regardless of the timing, here's some post-war content for coping reasons~

Shouts of joy and excitement filled the air as the people of the free world roamed about the bustling street. And despite himself, Levi couldn't help but feel the same relief.

Various aromas coated the air with sweet and savory scents wafting from the street stalls and open windows, amazing the ex-captain all over again.

The creaking and groaning of the chair's wheel's muffled the creaking of his own joints as he pushed himself forward in the wheelchair to keep up with the children in front of him. He was as battle worn as they came, but that wasn't about to stop him from enjoying the new life he'd made for himself here in this town.

Owning the tea shop he'd always dreamed of as a child in the underground was something he had given up hope for over a decade ago. But with the Founder's sacrifice, it became a feasible dream once more. One Levi had made into his own reality with the assistance of those he had before considered the enemy.

Wheeling himself forward to keep up with an overly excited Gabi and Falco as they waltzed through the crowd, Levi could almost swear he had finally found peace. Through all the bloodshed, through all the pain and the loss...He had prevailed.

It was pointless now to wallow in grief, he told himself, for he knew his late companions would want him to embrace this newfound freedom and live on from their noble sacrifices.

It had plagued him for years; all the guilt and all the sorrow that weighed on his shoulders after every life lost. But now...Now he could live for a cause not of the wars, but of his own happiness.

His conscious was lighter than it had ever been in his life, softening his features and his heart to those around him. His companions may be gone now, but he would carry their spirits with him until his own peaceful end came.

Levi had finally found a small corner of the world to call his home, and he could return to it with a smile whenever he pleased. He was happy.

Finally, happy.

Farlan...my squads; I am free at last.
Thank you.

Levi Ackerman One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now