Event: Levi's Birthday Special

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Since today is Levi Ackerman's birthday, (and Christmas too I guess) here's a festive little idea I've had stuck in my head:)

Happy Holidays ~

A bitter chill hung in the air throughout the halls, drafting in through HQ's main doors opening and closing as people came and went as they pleased.

Wreaths hung outside office doors, and the occasional branch of mistletoe hung in various hall way arches in joking fashion. The hearth sat in the far corner of the mess hall had even been lit, warming those who stopped by's hands from the winter chill.

Since it was the holiday weekend, Commander Erwin had called for a break through the next couple of days, just after training had ended earlier that same day around noon.

Everyone had been relieved for this time off to either return home to their families, or relax around HQ with minimal duties to entertain.

Yourself and several of the veterans in the Survey Corps had chosen to stay at base, keeping one another company in place of the families you either did not have, or had lost.
But for some, neither scenario was the case.

Watching Captain Levi roam the nearly empty halls with his ever present blank expression, you soon understood he'd never had a family to lose, much less return to. So he had always opted to take vacation in the Survey Corps dorms.

Though, despite this bleak reality no doubt weighing on his conscience, his demeanor had considerably changed over the past week. Today especially had been exceptionally awkward around your boyfriend.

He'd made brief mention of his lack of family to you as you both grew closer over the months, and had officially began a relationship. You were both still new to romance, stumbling blindly over your ever growing emotions. Levi most especially. But regardless, this new chapter in your life, however new it was, had been a blessing you could have only hoped for.

With one last close inspection, you finished tidying up you recently neglected office and decided to search for Levi. After all, wasn't it apart of your responsibility to check in with him when he wasn't acting well?

After searching high and low for him, you hadn't come across Levi anywhere he usually frequented on down time. You'd nearly decided to postpone your search, till a flicker of color caught your eye behind the mess hall's windows.

Currently, Levi stood out among the training grounds, doing nothing more than observing his surroundings and watching the sky. Finding this behavior odd, as it was seldomly shown by the raven, you hesitantly left the hall and approached him, standing a respectable distance away.

"Levi," You greeted softly.

"Y/N," He curtly responded, his eyes never leaving the thick cover of clouds blocking out the sun.

You searched his side profile for any indications as to what he might have felt, but you'd sooner see emotion shown on Wall Maria's smooth surface before your fellow Captain's.

Chewing at your lip and awkwardly shuffling your feet through the frost covered grass, you decided to broach the subject lightly.
"So...Are you hiding out here to avoid Hange again?"

Scoffing lightly, he shook his head.

"Partially. I just stepped out for some air. Needed to think, I guess."

Frowning, your eyes left his face a moment as you realized what might have gotten him in a funk.

"You mentioned before, but never went into detail; you lost your mother around this time, right? Is that what's going through your mind this week?"

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