Drabble ~ Caught

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Just a little drabble for Levi getting caught flirting with you...By you.

"You take forever with your reports," Levi drones on, lounging in your office chair as you worked on your files.

You ignored him for the time being, trying to focus on all the files before you.

"Though, maybe you're just taking forever cause you wanted my company." He continued on, heaving a sigh and looking around the room to find something to cure his boredom.

"I'm sure that's the case," you muttered back, too focused to really pay him any mind at the moment.

Levi heaved another sigh, mentally cursing himself for once again losing your attention. How was he supposed to catch your eye if your eyes were trained on the damn papers?

"How many marriage proposals are in that batch? I'd assume you get several shitty hands offered in marriage." He suddenly asked mockingly, glaring down at the stack of papers on your desk.

"Just one." you replied nonchalantly as you straightened out the stack and picked up the topmost page. Picking up your quill, you pretended to miss the way Levi stiffened in his seat across from your desk, gripping the rim of his teacup rather tightly.

"Ehh? Who." He suddenly seemed very curious, realizing his joke might not have been so harmlessly made. With a grin, you decided to finally pay him some mind and looked up through your lashes to him

"Yours, apparently." you replied, sparing him only one last fleeting glance before returning to your work, fainting indifference.

He was silent for a moment, staring over at you in shock.

"Conceited, are we?" he finally scoffed, rolling his eyes in annoyance to hide the color rising to his cheeks.

And relief.

"What, you concerned?" you snickered, shooting him a pointed look over your files as you hid your smirk behind the papers.

"Hardly." he replied quickly, turning his attention to the window opposite your desk, hiding his burning face away from you.

"Well, with how you've been flirting with me for the past hour, I'd say you're lying right now."

Through his feinted annoyance, Levi could swear he'd never been more attracted to you before than he was in that moment. Though he might have been caught, he didn't plan to stop this little game just yet.

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