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Following the capture of the Underground thugs, and their forced enlistment into the Survey Corps, lead to a bloody expedition that met the ends of many.

Now left on his own, Levi struggles to comprehend this new life he must lead above ground; friendless and clueless.

Despite their bad blood, Erwin seeks to right some of the wrongs by teaching Levi the customs of the military and life within the walls. Through the younger man's refusal to cooperate, there might just be one thing that could change his mind.
SFW, humor, platonic enemies-to-friends, language

With a gentle click the door shut behind them, leaving the room they stepped into near silent but for the footsteps echoing off candle lit walls.

Erwin was the first to take a seat, a nearly inaudible sigh leaving his lips when his back met the comfortable wood of his office chair. Stretching out his arms against the restraints of his jacket, he laces his fingers together atop the sturdy desk as he drags his gaze back up across the room to meet the storm eyes of his newest Cadet.

"You're welcome to take a seat," Erwin offers softly, evaluating every twitch in the young man's body as he stayed unmoving from his spot by the door.

The raven haired man stayed silent, only indicating his answer through the way his frown deepened. Sighing, Erwin relaxed back into his chair.

"You know, I asked you to join me so we could have a civil conversation." Erwin mused.

"You didn't ask, you ordered me here," the younger man scoffed, finally speaking up.

"Well, you refused my offer the first time, and this conversation needed to be had. I had no choice but to order you." Erwin had to bite back a chuckle at how the Cadet grumbled under his breath like a child, crossing his arms firmly over his chest.

"Levi, I understand this is quite the cultural shock for you. Life above ground is significantly different than where you resided below. Which is why I think it important I help teach you skills you'll find you need to acquire in order to adjust accordingly."

Levi scoffed, turned his sharp gaze away from the taller man across the room.

"Like manners, for one," Erwin frowned, rubbing at his brow. The walls only knew just how frequently the young man before him made him want to drink.

With a huff the Captain stood from his desk, making for a small cabinet stationed against the wall backing his desk. Opening the doors, he was disappointed to see the last of his bottles had been emptied.

As a second resort, he picked up an old kettle and a container of water. Setting the pot into the fireplace that an accompanied the room, he filled it with water and lit a match.

Suddenly, he noticed Levi's eyes back on him, observing his every move with squinted eyes and pursed lips. Surprised, Erwin raised a thick brow in question.

"Something you wish to say, Levi?"

Silence met Erwin's question. Instead of answering, a weary sigh left Levi's parted lips and his arms fell from his chest. Glancing about the room one last time, Levi seemed to make up his mind and walk towards his Captain's desk. Pulling back the chair on the opposite side of Erwin's, he took a seat with a huff.

Pleased, Erwin smiled and cautiously made his way back to his own seat. Once sat, he looked Levi over curiously, who still wouldn't meet his gaze.

"Correct me if I'm mistaken, but you weren't given a formal education in your youth, were you?" He started off slowly.

Levi Ackerman One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now