Drabble ~ Jealousy

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Just imagine a Jealous!Levi when another guy is talking to his cadet

"Oi, cadet."

Your head snapped up, as well as your friend's at the commanding tone of your Captain's voice.

"Sir!" You both saluted.

"You," Levi pointed towards your friend. "Who the hell are you?"

Your friend gulped nervously, keeping up his salute. "Tobias Becker from Squad Mike, sir!"

"Well, cadet Tobias, I don't remember Mike nor I giving you permission to slack off. Back to your duties." Levi scoffed, giving Tobias a judging glare as he looked the cadet up and down.

Once Tobias had scurried off, you turned to your Captain with a raised brow. "Sir?" you questioned.

"And you," he finally shot you a look, but his gaze was much softer now, as well as his tone. "You're cleaning my office. I can't trust you to not run off and continue giggling with that Becker boy."

With that he spun on his heel and led the way, keeping a slow pace to ensure you kept up. Glances were thrown your way over his shoulder, but every time you tried to meet his eye he would snap his head back and train his eyes in front of him.

This was the fourth time this week Captain Levi had separated you from Tobias, and whenever you asked why his only explanation would be; "I don't like that Becker kid. You're in my squad, not his. I don't get why you continue to entertain his...antics."

Having asked Eld about this treatment you would regularly receive, the second in command would only chuckle with a knowing look in his eye aimed towards their Captain. Some time later, Eld caught Levi, drink in hand, in the midst of marching over towards where you and Tobias were chatting in the courtyard.

"With all due respect Captain, you should make a move already instead of watching her from a distance."

Cue Levi choking on his tea.

I'm an absolute whore for jealous/pining Levi


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