Headcannon no. 12

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Captain's Captain
brief mention of alcohol, brief mention of sexual content

• As if the world above the Underground City weren't foreign enough to the trio of thugs, Levi supposed it was only fitting that Farlan, Isabel, and himself had to be placed under an even stranger Captain during their forced stay in the Survey Corps.

• Captain Y/N, he was made to remember her name while briefly under her command, was one of the strangest people he'd met in his first few weeks of training in the Survey Corps. Second only to Section Commander Hange.

• She was eccentric; always had something to say and two cents to give to anyone who'd listen. Though, even if they didn't, she'd continue on to herself.

• She was crass; as bold and unpredictable as they came. Though skilled at her job, she was perhaps even more experienced in finding loop holes in any order fired her way from a Section Commander or even the Commander himself. Yet it wasn't as thought she ever slacked off; Levi had seen her, on several occasions, merely wander off to another task that held more of her attention.

• As odd as it had been at the time, he'd even seen her slip in a white lie to Commander stating she was taking the newest editions out into the forrest to hone their omni-directional mobility skills up in the trees; only to drag Farlan, Isabell, and himself out to a clearing for a hike instead.

• She was clever, Levi had to give her that. And after some time, he grew accustomed to her strangely always upbeat personality.

• Did she ever not have a smile on her face?

• Although, one thing Levi hadn't seen coming, was her absolute focus in combat; both on the training grounds surrounding HQ and out in titan territory on expeditions.

• He may or may not have been in speechless awe of her effortless flexibility that she occasionally would flaunt to the newer cadets when training them. Farlan hadn't let him forget, for an entire week, the way his face had turned scarlett after she had demonstrated a full split.

• Though he wasn't under her command long, as soon enough he held the same rank she did. But even after years of working side by side, she'd still refer to him as 'cadet', almost always followed by a coquettish smirk that made his cheeks flush pink.

• From annoyance or embarrassment, he couldn't quite discern; and he didn't plan on finding out any time soon.

• But when this continued, and even became more frequent behavior towards him in particular, he eventually found himself becoming flustered and lost for words every time she chanced a promiscuous comment thrown his way, and he was forced to ponder within himself how he really felt about her.

• But it was all so oddly endearing despite the initial embarrassment?

• All the sudden, people's talk of her outstanding looks started to make sense...

• Long after their friendship had blossomed, Levi would find himself seeking out her company whenever she was available; her relaxed and nonchalant demeanor always seemed to pull him away from stress, and her charismatic charm could pull even the most stubborn of smirks to his face.

• Sometimes, he'd have tea with her. And sometimes, she'd convince him to have drinks with her. It wasn't something he was used to, but quickly became accustomed to with her eager encouragement. Though, it had taken a bit more convincing for him to relax in such a way.

• On one such occasion, late into a night of catching up on more personal matters outside of work, Levi had relied on liquid courage to throw one of her quick witted quips back at her in hopes to flustered her the way she had him for years now; and oh, how that backfired.

•  "Drinking whisky straight? Didn't picture you drinking someone rougher to swallow than your tea. Say...I wonder what else you take rough?" She had teased him over a split handle of whisky she'd purchased from Sina, eyeing him up and down in her usual cheeky fashion from across the coffee table that separated their chairs.

•  "Dunno...Why don't you come over here and find out?" He had responded, with a confidence he didn't quite fully possess. Perhaps she had seen that, and maybe that was what prompted her making the first step towards their new romance late into that night and early into the next morning.

• Either way, he didn't regret making a fool of himself trying, and failing, to turn her red that night; as now he could call her his and endure her unique antics to a whole other level than anyone else had the pleasure of experiencing.

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