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You'd always stood out.

Never taking a partner, never seeking one. Out of spite to those who jeered your way, you refused to acknowledge them when they attempted to address you as 'Ma'am" or "Sir".

It didn't matter that they didn't, or rather wouldn't, understand. Because at the end of the day, he understood. And he loved you all the same.
SWF, Asexual!Reader, NB!Reader, bullying, language, hurt-to-comfort, fluff
(N/N: Nick Name)

All your life thus far, you couldn't help but to feel disgusted by at least fifty percent of the people around you. Both as a teenager making your way through bootcamp away from your controlling home, and even after you'd joined the Survey Corps and surpassed the cadet rank to become a Captain despite the jeers.

One comment after another; "faker" "liar" "prude" "confused" and so many more followed you around like a dark cloud whenever you turned someone down from their advances. And many there had been.

You'd have loved nothing more than to retaliate and lash out at them about how they were wrong about you in the moment, but you'd learned long ago it was a waste of breath.

It was around the time you were promoted to Captain that you'd given up on any chance of finding anyone decent that would respect your boundaries, and kept to yourself and your duties. Sometimes, you'd even had to cut friends out of your personal life for trying to push and pull you into directions you weren't comfortable going.

But it wasn't until you'd been selected by Captain Levi to participate in his squad that you began to think maybe, maybe...another shot at friendships was okay.

Your Captain treated you with respect, despite your hesitance to open up in the beginning. With the experiences you'd had thus far, you weren't all too keen on making another friend to let you down. And somehow, he seemed to completely understand that without either of you uttering a single word on the subject.

As time went on, you both grew closer as teammates, and the idea that you could find a real, valuable friend within the brutality that was the Survey Corps sparked into your mind once more.

Many a time you'd accompany him for tea late into the afternoon. Idle chitchat would follow, perhaps even a soft laugh or two as the candle between you two melted past the wick and melted in its tray.

It became a routine of sorts, checking in on one another throughout the day and sharing tea by night. These days, your steps were lighter. You mind, less bogged down with negativity. He was certainly the first thing you looked forward to when you awoke, and the final thought that soothed you to sleep every night.

This provoked a realization within you, with a feeling of both dread and excitement making your heart plummet to your stomach. Despite having never felt this deep of a connection with someone before, you'd known exactly what you then realized you felt.

Which led you to now, standing before the only other friend you had accompanying you through this mental struggle.

"Well if you like him, go tell him!" she encouraged, grinning ear to ear as she squeezed your hands in excitement.

Pulling back slightly, you internally cringed. She knew how you felt about physical contact, yet always brushed it off with a simple 'that's just who I am'. And at this point, with this being her only way of overstepping, you decided to just deal with it. She was really the only one who didn't judge you otherwise, anyways.

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