Headcanon ~ 6

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This man will fight tooth and nail to maintain his composure.

He's gotta keep that "I couldn't care any less abt anything or anyone" expression intact.

But the moment his crush happens to do something cute?

i.e. breathing and exiting in his general vicinity.

He's gotta find the quickest excuse he can to turn away and hide his cheeks and ears.

He has the cutest blush too, spreading pink across the bridge of his nose to his cheeks to the tips of his ears.

His favorite excuse to use when being seen like this is "it's too damn hot in here." Hange has busted him on this lie in the past by reminding him they were outside. In the dead of winter.

When he had to physically turn away or cover his face? "Shitty headache..."

When asked why he was leaving a room so hastily upon your arrival? "Gotta shit."

He's so smooth with his excuses...
He had to up and leave Erwin's office the one day his crush walked in to hand off some reports, a bright smile on their face as they greeted Levi after greeting Erwin.

That damned smile of yours always got him.

He hates how easily his composure crumbles around you, and is constantly trying out new ways to hide his reactions to your beauty and general adorableness.

The easiest way he'd found was to tighten the cloth mask over his face when he was cleaning.

Pls just imagine the way he'd pull the cloth so far up over his nose that half his eyes are covered and you can't even see his ears PLEASE.

One time when cleaning around HQ with his squad, he'd entered a room expecting to come check in on Eren's progress.

Imagine the way his eyes would comically widen when he sees you instead; bent over on all fours to clean under a desk.

You were just being thorough with your work to make sure it met your Captain's expectations :)

He'd have immediately gripped at his mask to cover his whole face, knowing what was about to happen.

Cue him running into the doorframe on his rush out of the room with a muffled curse from behind the white fabric.

Even over the more innocent acts, like bringing him a cup of tea when he wasn't expecting it.

He nearly cursed himself out after you left for having stuttered out a reply.

"O-oh. T-thanks uhh...Thank you, Y/N..."

I think he's the type to lay awake in bed late at night curled up on his side under the blankets letting himself blush like mad in the darkness from imagining scenarios of you being in a relationship with him.

He craves your attention and your presence, but as soon as he gets it he's tucking tail and running.

He is so down bad for you but he can't tell a soul. Much less you.

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