Surprise Visitation

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After months apart, you're finally able to take the time to visit your loving husband in the military. Though many knew you wed a soldier of the Survey Corps, no one had ever really seen you hand in hand with your lover.

During your visit, no one is surprised to see your presence flitting about HQ. Rather, their surprise lies in who you rush towards with a radiant grin once the Commander's office doors open after a long meeting.
SFW, fluff, established marriage

Taking in a deep breath of the sweet spring air, you smiled. Today was the day you'd finally made it up to the Scouting Legion's HQ to visit your distant lover.

It had seemed like years flew by in the span of a few simple months since the last time you came to visit your man. But regardless of the passage of time, you'd always come to greet him with the same enthusiasm you'd held the day you walked down the aisle towards him all at time ago.

Adjusting your already pristine attire, you took in one last breath before walking up the stairs laid before you. You pushed open the doors and immediately relaxed as you took in the ambiance of the room. Many of the soldiers you saw milling about during their mid day meal you recognized, much to your joy. Perhaps not every soldier here sparked recognition in your mind, but over the years and your countless visits in the past, you'd grown to recognize several familiar faces who'd managed to live through the many expeditions they'd charged through.

Showing warm smiles to acquaintances and strangers alike as you passed, you continued to keep your eyes peeled for the man who held tight your heart. In anxious excitement you twisted the ring on your finger, eager to find someone you knew on a more personal level amongst the crowd to converse with. You didn't have to search too long before, the face of someone you knew all too well crowded your vision.

"Y/N!" Hange's shrill voice cut through the murmurs and idle chitchat of the mess hall, causing a grin to flit across your face.

"Section Commander Hange!" you greeted, throwing your arms wide to engulf them in the hug you knew ahead of time they would launch at you. Expecting correctly, you loosed a forced breath as they slammed into your arms.

Behind them trailed a mix of soldiers, some you vaguely recognized and others you'd never met before.

"Captain Hange, who is this?" a young man peered around his Captain to ask, his light brown eyes shining in curiosity.

"Moblit, you haven't met Y/N yet!" Hange gasped, releasing you from their tight hug.

"This is Mrs. Y/N, the one I was telling you about just the other day! We go way back." They explained excitedly, grinning as they draped an arm around your shoulders. They ignored the curious brow you raised their way.

"Oh and Y/N dear, this is Moblit! He's my newest assistant!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you," you greeted the young man with a warm smile, offering out your hand for him to take. Color rose to the cadet's face as he awkwardly accepted your handshake.

"T-the pleasure is mine!" he managed to stammer out. "What brings you to HQ, ma'am?"

"Oooh, that would be her lover boy!" Hange butted in, giving you a mischievous grin.

"I'm here to see my husband," you explained easily to Moblit, who tried his best to mask his disappointment.

"Husband? I wasn't aware anyone in the Corps were married," he wondered aloud. In turn, you greeted the rest of Hange's new squad, congratulating them on their new positions under the crazed scientist and provoking many eased laughs from them as you went. You got along with them well; able to laugh freely and talk with them as if you'd known them well for years.

"How come we haven't heard of you before now? Someone in the Corps with a wife waiting for them...That's news to all us." A young girl piped up, offering you a shy smile as she admired the intricate band of gold on your hand.

"My husband isn't one to delve into personal matters with others, I'm afraid." you waved off with a chuckle.

"Speaking of husband, he should be coming out of the meeting soon."

Turning around, you came face to face with Miche, prompting a grin from you.

"Miche! It's been forever, how are you?" You questioned with a laugh as he bent at the waist in order to accept your embrace properly. Standing back up straight, he offered you the same warm smile in return.

By now a small crowd had formed around you, as new and old cadets alike fired off questions left and right. You tried your best to entertain them all, while Hange and Miche merely watched on as you struggled with a laugh.

"Your husband is in the meeting? You mean to say he's a Captain?" Some asked, while others persisted on knowing who this man was.

"You can say that," Hange chuckled, offering you a pat on the back before they made their way over to the far side of the group.

"I'll go fetch him if you like. I know he would~"

You waved off their suggestive grin with a chuckle, blushing despite yourself.

"He'll be out sooner or later, no need to rush him. He's a busy man; leading all these people."

A near uproar followed your statement, bringing forth a whole new wave of questions about your husband's identity. But before you could answer a single one, the doors to the mess hall opened and in walked the Commander, flanked by several Captains.

"Ah, Mrs, Y/N. I was informed you'd be arriving today." Commander Erwin greets you with an easy smile as he approached the quickly dispersing crowd surrounding you. Grinning, you easily opened your arms to him and gave him a quick hug.

"Commander; it's been so long!"

This, of course, prompted more whispers from the crowd who monitored your ever movement closely. Those brave enough sook out Hange to satisfy their curiosity.

"C-captain Hange...She's with Commander?"

"The Commander has a wife?"

"He married her?"

Hange merely chuckled, a mischievous glint in their eyes before speaking over their shoulder to their cadets. "Nah, I'm afraid our Commander is as single as they come."

The younger recruits fell silent almost immediately at this, confusion quelling their curiosity only for a moment. Before any one them could speak up, they all found themselves whipping their heads to stare in your direction as you gasped aloud.

"Babe!" You cried, tears of relief and joy stinging your eyes as you rushed towards the parting crowd. The last to enter the over crowded mess hall snapped his gaze up in an instant at your cry, eyes widening and arms dropping to his sides.

The cadets watched on in utter amazement as you rushed towards Captain Levi, your arms held wide open and a broad grin stretching your face. You rushed into his arms so fast you nearly toppled the short man over. His arms came up to hold you awkwardly, giving your shoulders a light pat as he stepped back.

Looking up at him in slight confusion, you saw how Levi's eyes darted about the gaping crowd; his face flushed pink.

"Awe Levi baby, let them stare; I've missed you so much, just ignore it!" You gushed, brushing stray hairs from his forehead and running your thumbs over his burning cheeks. He scoffed softly and glared down at the ground, but kept one hand firmly placed on the small of your back, regardless of his embarrassment.

"Missed you too, darling," he mumbled against your hair, keeping his eyes trained on the ground while the mess hall stared on in awe.

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