Headcanon ~ 3

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In addition to my previous post, man cannot flirt.

In some alternative reality where he'd tried his hand at catching someone's eye, it had never gone well.

Just say something nice to them. Maybe...You look nice?...You don't look shitty?

Ends up saying something like, "You look shitty."

Cue his immediate anxiety as he listens to his own words being spoken to the poor person.

Person gives them a look in response and Levi just tucks tail and speed walks away.

Okay...Don't be stupid. Just...Don't even speak. Maybe just give them something and walk away? Do they like objects?

Grabs the nearest object to him.

"Uhm, Captain? Why are you handing me a pine cone?"

"Your welcome."

Later realizes what he did and is tempted to feed himself to a titan on the next expedition to escape the embarrassment.

Fucking idiot...Words of affirmation don't work, gift giving doesn't work...Quality time? Follow them around aimlessly without looking to see where they're going? Invade their space? Yes, yes this is a good idea.

"Captain? Why are you following me towards the restroom?"


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