Chapter 15: The Slaughter Continues

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(Y/N is seen recovering from the slash he received recently. Meanwhile, his faction made a research about the corpses, and realizes all of them had something in common.)

Tsukasa: So these people had superpowers. As much as I understand someone's hatred towards superpowers, not all of them use them for evil.

Kira: Whoever killed them has a really, really big grudge against the superpowers and seeks to purge all of them.

Gwen: In other words, for said killer, it doesn't matter if they have strong or weak superpowers, nor if they're used for good or evil.

(Suddenly Y/N comes in.)

Y/N: You found something?

Kira: It looks like the-

(Suddenly some news are heard.)

Lisa: Breaking news. There are rumors on the streets about two Oni slaughtering humans. Whoever are these two figures, they are completely dangerous. Who can stop this slaughter? Back to you, Cyril!

(As soon as Y/N heard this, he decides to investigate.)

Gwen: Y/N, wait!

Kira: You're not completely recovered.


(During the investigation, Y/N had two swords pointed at him.)

Y/N: Who are you?

Kugouji: We are the ones who slaughtered these bastards! (glares) And you're supposed to be dead!

Y/N: Why?

Acheron: Why bother? You would never understand us!

Kugouji: Wanna know why? It's because of these people with unusual abilities who tainted the world.

Y/N: Are you some ancient rulers or something?

Kugouji: We just want to unify this world. And as long as you or any superpowered being exist, it won't be possible!

(Then Y/N summons his Aegis Blade, and starts fighting the two Oni swordsmen, but is at disavantage due to both being more experienced in swordsmanship.)

Kugouji: You think you're the chosen one? (overpowers Y/N) You're unskilled. (kicks Y/N) Untrained. (grabs and slams Y/N) And unworthy!

(As they defeat Y/N, the Union Headmasters come in.)

Gendo: This day couldn't be better.

Ozpin: (to Kugouji) You've proved to be a skilled swordsman. Not to mention you saved us the trouble of capturing the Aegis Wielder. How about you-

Ironwood: GAH!

(Suddenly Ironwood is sliced into ten pieces as both Kugouji and Archeron didn't move a single step.)

Kugouji: My dream... is to unify the world, hoping for a peaceful world! So, I won't let you destroy it!

Archeron: Anyone with superpowers must die!

(They leave in the puff of a black smoke as Sirzechs clenches his fist.)

Sirzechs: It was them... they killed our friends and enemies alike!

Chifuyu: Who cares? Let's just-ACK!

(A spear stabs Chifuyu, and then everyone turns to see a white haired boy.)

Noldrath: Heroes

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Noldrath: Heroes... no matter if there are true or fake. In the end, they're all the same... destined to DESTRUCTION!

(To be continued)

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