Chapter 6: The Golden Police Officer

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(At Carpentaria Base, Y/N and the others are seen tending the wounded as two girls approach him and bow politely.)

Reisen: Thank you for helping us.

Y/N: No problem. But can I know your names?

Reisen: My name is Reisen Udongein Inaba, and this is Nia.

Reisen: My name is Reisen Udongein Inaba, and this is Nia

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Nia: (smiles) Hi.

Y/N: Hello.

(They stare at each other as Y/N has a question.)

Y/N: How did you girls end up getting caught?

(Reisen sighs)

Reisen: You see, we used to live in Menagerie until we found out some of them were affiliated either with Union Academy or White Fang. We tried to escape to the Dragon Continent, where many people got away from them. Unfortunately some of us got hunted down and killed. We tried to get in there to be free from persecution. Some idiots tried to make me and Nia their girlfriends, but we harshly rejected them, and because of it, they called them. It was all too quick, we didn't have much time to fight back or keep going. Most of us, who "survived" were taken to Atlas so they could enslave us and make us work endlessly. If you didn't work, and if you couldn't go on, you would be beaten or even killed. No one was safe from the punishments. Not even children were spared. And the worse part was, we were made to watch on as those who were punished and killed were made examples of.

(Y/N was shocked and disgusted of what Union Academy did to them.)

Y/N: (closes eyes) Sorry about that.

Nia: This isn't your fault. It's Union Academy's. They don't care about people, only power.

Y/N: That's true.

Reisen: But I do have a question.

Y/N: Yeah?

Reisen: Why do you fight Union Academy? You know their power, and you know many have failed. So why, why do you fight them?

(Then Pyra and Mythra change to their human forms and explain.)

Pyra: Y/N is the chosen one. He is one of the few determined to end the suffering caused by Union Academy's greed.

Mythra: (points at Gwenom) She lost her father because Union Academy refused to stop Doctor Octopus from escaping the prison, and lost her friend because Ironwood turned him into The Lizard, and then he framed her for his death.

Pyra: (points at Decade) That magenta guy could easily destroy this world if he wanted, but if there's a thread of hope, he won't hesitate to try and save it.

Y/N: And we're not going to stop fighting until we see the Union Academy taken down and punished for their crimes and expose them of being false heroes.

(Reisen and Nia got surprised on that. They had no idea about the existence of true heroes like Y/N and his friends, but they now believe it's possible to save their world. Soon they form smiles in their faces.)

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