Vincent Belmont Bio

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Name: Vincent Belmont

Name: Vincent Belmont

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Age: 18

Sex: Male

Lives in: Wallachia, Romania

Personality: Intelligent, kind-hearted, hard-working, caring, and loving (His loved ones and his friends), cold, serious, sadistic, brutal (His enemies).

Tier: Low 2-C via his base form, 2-C with transformations.


Attack Potency: Universe level+ (His base form), Low Multiverse level (His transformations)

Speed: Infinite at base form capable of keeping pace with and matching Death, who can kill distance itself to attack his enemies instantly, Immeasurable by transformations.

Lifting Strength: Immeasurable at base superior to Dracula's weakened state, and is able to lift the entirety of Castlevania, which is an entire world with another dimension below it, beyond via transformations.

Striking Strength: Universe level+ via base Low Multiverse Level via transformations.

Durability: Universe level+ via base Low Multiverse level via transformations.

Stamina: Superhuman similar to other Belmonts, Vincent Belmont is able to fight monsters in Dracula's castle for a long time while wandering the Castle, without any rest.

Powers and Abilities:

Belmont Clan Physiology: When Leon Belmont first met the alchemist, Rinaldo Gandolfi, he was blessed with the ability to harness magical power. It was through this event that the Belmont Clan developed abilities unseen in any other family, as the ability to harness magic became an inborn power of all Belmonts after Leon. Upon their 15th or 16th birthdays, the members of the Belmont Clan go through a ceremony that denotes their transition into adulthood; this ceremony blesses them with extremely powerful sacred powers, which further sets them apart from other families. As such, the magic passed through their family tree, and the sacred power bestowed upon them, lead to each of the Belmonts possessing the same abilities/resistances.

It includes:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics: Every Belmont is capable of performing feats such as casually moving large blocks and defeating monsters without any stat enhancers.

Acrobatics: Every Belmont is able to leap from platform to platform without much difficulty and are able to perform front and backflips. They can even do platforming while simultaneously fighting monsters.

Weapon Mastery: All members of the Belmont Clan are naturally gifted in wielding several different types of weapons. This ranges from their proficiency with a whip to their perfect aim with throwing knives and axes. They're also incredibly skilled with cross-shaped boomerangs and jars of holy water.

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