Diana's torture p1

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Leonardo's pov - After we watch a movie and eat Santi said her cheek was really hurting her so I gave her something for the pain and Aria and I both cuddled her in her bed while I read her story until she fell asleep.
We both quietly left her room and as I headed downstairs to leave to the warehouse where Diana was being held I didn't notice Aria was following closely behind.

Leonardo - Amore why don't you go rest I won't be long I promise.

Aria- Leonardo if you think you are going to torture that bitch without me you have another thing coming.
I know when I found out that you with the air to the Italian American mafia I was scared, even more with what Lexi told me.
But now I have accepted it and you and accepted it along with that one day Santiago will take over.
But if I am to be your queen, as you said then I have to fully embrace being the mafia queen So I am coming and I will be the first one to make that bitch pay.

Leonardo - As much as I hate you being apart of this you are right I can't just have you half in so can come but the moment I think you are going exerting yourself you will stop because there will be many days and years of her torture, until I decide to end her demise completely.


Santi was listening to them by the door

I knew it , from all the books in the library had a families name on it the books we're talking about our family.
Well if we are in the Mafia and I know my brothers probably had some part in it already.
Nonno and daddy always say there naturals.
So why doesn't that include me maybe I am a natural at this too.
I know that daddy will never let me do what he will allow my brother's to do so I guess I have to be a little sneaking.
I know that mom went to change and daddy went with her but before he did he told his guards to prepare the car.
So before they got back I snuck outside and into the car, I jumped into the boot and did the little trick by brother's taught me so I could get in and out of a boot of the car.
I could hear them coming so I put my hand over my mouth to suppress the giggles so we're trying to come out. I am so sneaky hehe ....


Leonardo - Amore we're here? ( I couldn't help but chuckle,at how cute she was cuddled up to me sleeping. )

Aria- Can't believe I slept why didn't you wake me when I fell sleep ?

Leonardo- Amore you looked tried and I hate waking you up when you are a sleeping because you always wake up cranky like a little baby, been working up for a nap exactly how you were like now.

Aria- I'm not cranky I just didn't want to sleep because then I will have a hard time sleeping at night.

Leonardo- Don't worry Amore I will make sure to wear you out ( I looked at her smirking, god I love how she blushes every time I say the slightest dirtiest thing to her, it's too cute )
You ready amore are you sure you want to do this?
You know you don't have to just because you are my queen doesn't mean you have to be fully involved in every aspect of our Mafia.
I don't want you to have regrets after committing certain acts because it's something you can never come back from.

Aria- I know what I signed up for the moment you came back and I accepted you, all of you to tell you the truth I accepted it long before but as you know Lexi always manipulated, and stirred  me away from contacting and telling you.
But I missed you the moment I stepped out of your life and have always regret it.
I don't even know how you can forgive me from keeping your children away from you and not even telling you. ( I couldn't hold it in and broke down, I have been holding so much guilt over the years for what Did )

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