Family Reunion p2

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Leonardo's pov - We got to the hospital and my heart started to beat rapidly, I have no clue what I was going to walk into.
I didn't know what conditions Aria was truly in.
The only thing that kept me sane was my little Mafia Princess who didn't want me to put her down.
I already knew what room Aria was in so we made our way there.
As soon as I opened the door, I was immediately heart broken there was my Aria laying completely still with tubes sticking out of her.
I was frozen on the spot, I swear Lexi and Loraine will pay for what they did.
Santi jumps out of my arms and straight to her mom's , tears spilling from her sweet little face.

Santi- Mommy .....Mommy we're here and look we brought daddy wake up , please wake up ....
( crying ) you can't leave us ....y......I...Ddd......
( Santi passes out )

Santiago- Santi..... ( I rush to my sisters but before I could get her of the floor our dad picks her up , he has the same look I have, one with complete worry. )
Come on Santi don't play around open your eyes.

Leonardo - ( I snapped out of the trance I was in once I saw Santi hit the floor )
SANTI.......!!! ( I picked her up in my arms and screamed for a doctor )

Dr Oslow - Sir ...Sir.... Please put her in the bed and I will examine her.

Leonardo - I swear you better fix my wife and daughter , here this is what was use to poison them.
Do something for them right NOW!!!!
Because I promise you that if anything happens to either one of them, I will burn this whole place down with you in it.
I own this hospital so that means I own you , now get your best doctors down here and fix them, make them better.
Do I make myself clear.

Dr Oslow - Y...yes..... of course s..sir... we will take them to the operating theatre now.
Nurse get all our top surgeons we have to patience and if they refuse because they are something just tell them it is the wife and daughter of Leonardo Del Russo.

Nurse - Right away Doctor....

Santiago's pov- I watched silently as my father yelled and told them what he would do if anything where to happened to either of them.
I will give him a chance if Mom does.
Seeing the way he dealt with that Doctor and got mu mom and my sister in right away makes me feel proud that he is my dad and that is something I thought I would never say.
I won't say it to him or let him know Y these not now.
I look over at Mike, Vince and Ricky and all three are smirking, man they are making it so obvious.
I walk to where the window is and just stare out of it, I didn't want anyone to see me cry.
I push all the tears that want to come out.
I am scared I will lose my mom and sister, they are the lights of my life.
I promised I would always protect them and now look where they are, if I just acted sooner then nothing would have happened.
Suddenly I felt I hand on my shoulder turning me around holding me tight in there arms rubbing my back.

Leonardo - I know what you are thinking Figlio , you are me, in more ways than one.
It's not your fault okay and this isn't your weight to carry , it is mine.
I know you held it your whole life but I am here now.
The only thing I want you to worry about is being a kid and having fun.
You have a long time before you take over the responsibility of the whole family and our Mafia as well as our business empire.
Just let it go son, you can cry just let it out , I got you.
( he held me tightly and I could hear his soft cries and he tries to hide in, his brothers soon join in, I wrap my arm's around all of them, I have 4 sons , 4 sons to take over my whole empire.)
It's okay boys , I promise they will be okay.
As soon as we now the status of there health.
We will go take care of business, the two who did this to them will pay.
How about we get something to eat yeah, you boys must be hungry.

Santiago's pov - I can't believe he got me to break, I never Cry and neither do my brother's, I still don't know if I can completely trust him.
I know I said I would give him a chance and I guess he does deserve one, because he did prove himself and it also feels nice not having to be the Rock that holds it's family in place.
Before I could Answer him Mike and the rest of the guys spoke up.

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