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Leonardo's pov - She woke up , she really woke up, My Aria she struggle to talk, taking in deep breaths but she pushed her self to do so, she told me there was nothing to forgive , that she was going to tell me and then as her next words where coming out she gasped deeply for air then passed out.
I think she meant to say I love you or at least I hope that was what she was going to say.
I have longed many years waiting to hear her say those words for me again.
I couldn't hold in any longer and I just broke down shocking everyone.
Alessio the most the last time he saw me cry was when Aria left, After that day I became completely cold to everyone.

Leonardo- Oh my sweet ...sweet Aria why? Just why did you push yourself, I sorry amore I should have stopped you, I should have called the doctor right away now look at you.
( I kissed her hand and held it my cheek and my tears slowly dripped down)

Santiago's pov - I woke up to weeping and I was so shocked when I saw who was the one crying it was my dad, I thought he was known as the man with the heart of ice because he is cold and cruel to everyone, well not me my sister or our brother's and I can see now for mom.
I remain silent, just listening to what he was saying and I couldn't believe it mom woke up.

Santiago - What, she woke up..., how long was she awake for , why didn't you wake me up, I wanted to talk to her....( I took a deep breath, lifting my chin up, pushing back the tears that wanted to come, I can't cry in front of him again, I have cried enough.)

Leonardo - Figlio... I .....I'm sorry it was just for a minute then she went back to sleep.
I promised you I will make sure your mom is healthy and strong again didn't I.
( I could tell he wanted to cry again but he was holding in, he truly does remind me of myself as a child , I was the same way, I just wanted to hug him, but I know he is hiding those tears from me, he wants me to see that despite me not being there since he was born he is still a strong and tuff man, I want to remind me again, that he doesn't need too , that he can cry, it's okay.)

Santiago - Yes...

Leonardo- Well since you never you the other half of you , let me tell you this one thing first and I will tell you more when it is needed.
A Del Russo Man always keeps his word if he promises something he must make sure that he comes through with it.
So I promised you and gave you my word.
That means she will be okay and back to her strong healthy self.
Now it's almost time, come on I will walk with you to the operating theatre, where they will perform the operation.

Sono fiero di te, figliolo. non solo perché hai salvato la vita a tua sorella, ma anche come ti sei presa cura di loro quando non potevo, non saperlo non era una scusa, avrei dovuto saperlo, avrei dovuto guardare più attentamente. Sono orgoglioso che tu sia mio figlio e mi dispiace anche che tu abbia sentito il bisogno di dover assumere quel ruolo di uomo della casa protettore. avrai tempo per questo più tardi, quando prenderai il mio posto. ma fino ad allora, voglio che tu ti diverta come un normale bambino di 10 anni.

( I'm proud of you, son. not only because you saved your sister's life, but also how you took care of them when I couldn't, not knowing was no excuse, I should have known, I should have looked more carefully. I'm proud that you are my son and I'm also sorry that you felt the need to take on that role of man of the house protector. you will have time for this later, when you take my place. but until then, I want you to have fun like a normal 10 year old. )

Santiago- ( I can't believe I'm about to say this but I can't help it. I can't help but feel really happy that he is proud of me and everything I've done. )

Grazie papà, ma sai che tecnicamente non abbiamo ancora dieci anni.
( Thanks dad, but you know we're not technically ten years old yet.)

Leonardo- lol ancora meglio, questo significa che farò una grande festa, qualunque cosa voi due vogliate, la otterrete. questa sarà la prima volta che festeggerò un altro anno della vostra vita, quindi ditemi cosa volete e lo otterrete.
( ancora meglio, questo significa che farò una grande festa, qualunque cosa voi due vogliate, la otterrete. questa sarà la prima volta che festeggerò un altro anno della vostra vita, quindi ditemi cosa volete e lo otterrete. )

Leonardo's pov- I watched were they took into the operating room. My daughter Santi was already there of course she was already under anaesthesia so she couldn't see me.
I stayed by the door, I didn't want to move, I needed to know they were both okay.
My life will never be worth living if I lost both of them, just when I got them.
I begin pacing back-and-forth, waiting for one of the doctors and nurses to come out and tell me it was all the success that they both will be fine.
Finally one Dr Oslow came out and told me that the operation was successful but we still have to wait for Santi to wake up to make sure it was a complete success.
I took a deep and much needed breath and sighed in relief that they will be okay.
I know it will stick and be successful.
My children are Del Russo we are born fighters.
I walked back into there room to tell the boys that it was successful, and both of them will be fine.

Leonardo- Ciao boys I know what you want to hear so I won't keep you waiting.
It was success they will be fine.
They both should me in here shortly.

Mike - Is that why they move them to a bigger room?
Will Santiago be in there as well?
How long will he take to recover I know Santi will be in here longer.

Leonardo - Maybe a week or two, why do you ask?

Vince- Well because we go to the military school.
We have to be back Sunday night for school on Monday we get up at 5am for PT then we have breakfast then we head to our classes.
Since you are the only guardian he has right now that can call the school.

Leonardo- Don't worry about that boys , I will be removing you from that school.
I am sure it taught you well how to use firearms but I can teach you as well as my men and beside I prefer it if you boys are in the same school as Santi , I would prefer to homeschool her so then, no boys will get a chance to come after her, but I know Aria would not approve and she would be mad if I did .
Of course you boys will there before she does because it will take quite awhile for her to recover and be able to go back to school.
So that way you boys and remind all those little boys that your sister is off-limits and you all are expected to protect her is it understood?

All the boys- ( We looked at each other and smiled then faced him and answered )
Yes dad..

Leonardo's pov- When the boys said that my heart fluttered and filled with this overwhelming feeling of joy.
No they may not be bounded by blood to me
But they are bounded by the heart and even though it's only been a two days, I can say they are my sons.
I know my daughter will always be safe and well protected with them.
I can't wait to take them all home.

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